
Outdoors 112 results

Local Farmers Prepare for Spring Market Season

Knowing where your food comes from is more important than ever. With the first Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market of the season on Saturday (and markets in Ellettsville and Smithville starting soon), getting to know the farmers who produce it is easier than ever. Photographer Chaz Mottinger visited three farms to give us a closer look as they prepare for market. Click here to see her photos.

Sanctuary Moving, Growing, Giving Farm Animals Freedom

Some Hoosier farmers raise millions of animals that spend much of their lives in confinement — their sole existence in these “Confined Feeding Operations” is to get plump enough for market. But some of these animals are rescued and find their way to Uplands PEAK, a farm animal sanctuary. Writer Susan M. Brackney writes more about the refuge. Click here to read the full story.

Porter West: Sycamore Land Trust’s ‘Diamond in the Rough’

A lot goes into preserving the natural beauty of an area — but sometimes that means just letting it be. Sycamore Land Trust’s Porter West Preserve, for example, includes a former composting site, sinkholes, and a cemetery. Writer Jonah Chester explores how SLT manages problems like invasive species in such “diamonds in the rough.” Click here to read the full story and to see many photos of Porter West.

The Mesmerizing Sandhill Cranes, ‘Calling Us Home’

Every spring and fall, Indiana is at the heart of the eastern sandhill crane migration. Witness it once and you’ll mark their return on your calendar every year, writes LP contributor Jared Posey. “Flocks of sandhill cranes are a potent symbol of wildness,” he says, their loud, rolling chatter “calling us home.” Click here to read the full story.

Beat the Cold with These 12 Winter Events

Feeling idle in the post-holiday lull? Writer and LP editor Dason Anderson has compiled a list of 12 happenings to get you out and about this winter season. Indoors, outdoors, alone or with friends, there’s something to do for everyone until spring comes again. Click here to read the full story.

LP’s Top Stories of 2017 Show Depth, Diversity of Local Interests

The top stories posted by Limestone Post in 2017 show our readers are looking for in-depth, meaningful coverage on a variety of topics. As LP Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski points out in her annual editorial roundup, this “shows our readers — and the B-town community at large — want to be informed, active, and engaged.” Click here to read the full story.

Resistance to the DNR’s Logging of Yellowwood

Several diverse groups have mobilized in recent months to oppose logging in Yellowwood State Forest. The resistance comes to a head this week, as forest advocates, including hundreds of scientists, are asking Gov. Eric Holcomb to call off the plan to cut down trees in Yellowwood’s backcountry and old-growth forest areas. Click here for the full story and how to get involved.

Logging, Runoff in 5 Counties Threaten Health of Lake Monroe

The Lake Monroe watershed — the land and creeks that drain into the lake — includes parts of five counties. Writer Susan M. Brackney looks at a group of “friends” who are safeguarding the lake — along with our drinking water and the plants, fish, and wildlife of Lake Monroe — from the effects of runoff and logging. Click here to read the full story.

Bats! Hoosier Neighbors Deserve ‘Respect and Admiration’

Southern Indiana has some of the country’s largest roosting places for Indiana bats. But these Hoosier mammals face many threats. Writer and bat fan April McKay gives us an in-depth look at these wondrous creatures, and how to help secure their survival — such as attending the Indiana Bat Festival. Click here to read the full story.

Saving Hoosier Agricultural Heritage, One Barn at a Time

Every time you tear down a barn you obliterate a memory, says barn preservationist Duncan Campbell. But he and others are committed to saving what’s left of these legacies of Indiana’s diverse barn heritage. LP writer and editor Dason Anderson looks into their efforts to preserve these treasures of Indiana’s (agri)cultural past. Click here to read the full story.

Eclipse 2017! Where It Lands Near Bloomington

On August 21, the moon will totally eclipse the sun, sending umbral shade across America from west to east. Around Bloomington, people will witness a 94 percent eclipse, but LP writer and editor Dason Anderson shows many places and ways to experience this rare event — either the partial or total eclipse — not far from here. Click here to read the full story.

The Importance of Pretending to Be a Dog

Troy Maynard writes about parenting and “the crazy things my kids say” in his blog, Very Vocal Viking. In his first article for Limestone Post, he reflects on his childhood anger and resentment — and how appreciation is the antidote of regret. And, of course, how he learned that from his kids. Click here to read the full story.