
Profiles 67 results

Celebrating Diverse Families: Our Journey to Queer Parenthood

Preparing to have a child is similar in many ways for queer couples as for heterosexual couples, write Lynae Sowinski and Josie Leimbach, who got married in Bloomington in 2017 and now live in Georgia. But in a variety of ways, their parenthood experience has been different — and emotionally, physically, and financially more difficult. Read about their journey to queer parenthood.

Dying Well: Chaplain Offers ‘Perfect Place’ to Have a ‘Good Death’

Many Hoosiers can’t access comfort care, and so they are less likely to experience a “good death,” writes Haley Miller. As defined, a good death avoids unnecessary suffering, maintains a family presence, manages pain, and upholds the patient’s dignity. A hospice chaplain in Brown County wants to create a place for more good deaths. Read about dying well.


Mobile Integrated Health Helps Fill Gaps in Local Healthcare System

The mobile integrated health program in Monroe County works with local health organizations to provide one-on-one care to patients, emphasizing a non-emergency approach and increasing efforts to meet people where they live and work. Writer Rebecca Hill takes an in-depth look at MIH programs across the state that are part of a nationwide trend to help fill gaps in the healthcare system. Read about MIH in Indiana.

‘Laugh, Cry, Sweat’ with New Theater Company Eclipse Productions And keep up to date with other area theater

A new theater company, Eclipse Productions, is taking Bloomington theater in a new direction, writes Hiromi Yoshida. Co-founders Konnor Graber, Kate Weber, and Jeremy J Weber want “to take chances and to push the boundaries of the craft.” Their second production opens May 9 at Ted Jones Playhouse. Plus, keep up with other theater companies in our area.

Juniper Gallery To Show Art of Death Row Inmate Rejon Taylor Special to Limestone Post

Laura Lasuertmer is the “Minister of Record” for death row inmate Rejon Taylor, who’s among more than 25 artists featured in the Regional Artist Exhibit at Juniper Art Gallery this spring. Some of Taylor’s artwork, LaSuertmer writes, captures both “what he remembers of the natural world … and the depravity of his current environment.” See and read about Rejon Taylor’s art.


Three Local Photographers Share Motivations, Techniques, Photos

Matt Brookshire, Megan Snook, and Jeff Danielson are Monroe County–based photographers who have different techniques, motivations, and subjects for their art. They have also led interesting lives outside of photography. Erin Hollinden talked with all of them, and they shared some of their work with Limestone Post. Click here for their stories and photographs.


Bloomington’s 2023 ASE English Students Share Their ‘Sense of Place’ ‘Where You Aren’t Afraid To Be Yourself’

Since 2016, students in Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have made immersive audio tours about their “sense of place,” someplace they’re personally or sentimentally connected to — or simply “where you aren’t afraid to be yourself.” And they graciously share their videos with Limestone Post’s readers. Click here for ASE’s 2023 “Sense of Place” videos.

IU Professors Host Ethical Metalsmiths and Radical Jewelry Makeover

IU professors of metalsmithing and jewelry design are collaborating with the nonprofit Ethical Metalsmiths to inspire students to create jewelry from ethically source materials, reconsider consumer habits, and promote stories behind donated jewelry. Metalsmithing and jewelry-design students from several Midwest universities will showcase their work in an exhibition called Radical Jewelry Makeover Bloomington in January. Click here for the story by Hiromi Yoshida.

Eternal Sunflower: Remembering Janiece Jaffe

Janiece Jaffe’s artistic journey “was powerfully informed by countless collaborations … each partnership an act of musical alchemy,” writes Krista Detor in this tribute to Bloomington’s legendary musical artist. “She was a uniquely generous and catalytic artist whose collaborations recurred over decades and whose memories will be cherished forever.” Click here to read Krista’s tribute to Janiece.