
Family 244 results

‘Juniper’ a Gripping Story of Local Family and a Girl ‘Born Too Soon’

The new book Juniper: The Girl Who Was Born Too Soon, by award-winning journalists and IU professors Tom and Kelley French, tells the riveting story of their daughter, Juniper, who was born prematurely — at just 23 weeks. Writer and WFHB radio host Michael G. Glab writes about the family and their book in his first story for Limestone Post. Click here to read the full story.

Queer Space, Post-Orlando: Can Karaoke Save the Misfit?

Many people think what’s happening at The Back Door is culturally transformative,” Zak Szymanski writes about Bloomington’s only queer bar. In a post-Orlando world, places like The Back Door, with “its diversity and ideology,” are becoming sanctuaries for the disenfranchised — and “the future of LGBT space." Click here to read the full story.

200 Road Trips to Explore Hoosier Country’s 200th

Are your travel plans more likely to favor French Lick over France, or Yellowwood over Yellowstone? Do you find road maps more interesting than flight plans? If you’re tempted to hit the road this summer to explore Indiana for its bicentennial, several new books can help guide your way. Click here to read the full story.

New Pekin, Ind., Has ‘Oldest’ 4th of July Celebration in the Nation

Every year since 1830, a small town in southern Indiana has celebrated the 4th of July, making it what the townspeople (and The Library of Congress) say is the “Oldest Consecutive 4th of July Celebration in the Nation.” Writer Michael Waterford looks into this event, which rivals those in towns hundreds of times its size. Click here to read the full story.

Explore — Even Dive Into — Quarries During Limestone Month

The news about Rooftop Quarry suddenly becoming inaccessible has made many people sad. But during Indiana Limestone Month in June, you can take guided tours of three nearby quarries — and even swim in the quarries at White Rock Park near Shelbyville. Limestone Post’s Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski has all the details. Click here to read the story.

13 Books to Keep Young Readers Entertained on Those Long Summer Days

Whether your child wants to participate in the library’s Summer Reading Program or just browse The Book Corner, experts agree that reading should be part of every child’s summer fun. Jen Hockney Bratton asks the librarian at University Elementary School, Mary D’Eliso, for suggestions to while away the summer days. Click here to read the full story.

IU Health Addressing Push to Provide Nurse-Midwives

Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) help with pre- and postnatal care, but none are available at nearby hospitals. Since a local group petitioned IU Health Bloomington to provide a network of CNMs, the hospital has been “actively addressing this need.” First, it must recruit enough obstetricians to support a midwifery program. Click here to read the full story.

The Mavens in the Food Trucks

With Food Truck Friday in full swing at two locations in Bloomington, an anonymous photographer set out to photograph the people who make it happen. Whether at The Chocolate Moose or in the parking lot at Smith’s Shoe Center on South Walnut, these chefs, cooks, and servers dish out the goods. Click here to view the photos.

Former Foster Child Says CASA Had Huge Impact on His Success

When children enter the legal system due to neglect or abuse, they often confront an ever-changing stream of caseworkers, counselors, and more. As Dorian Phillips learned, their one constant throughout the process is their Court Appointed Child Advocate, or CASA, who stays with each child until the case is closed. Click here to read the full story.

Food Insecurity, Part 2: Seniors and Children Are the Most Vulnerable

In part 2 of this three-part series, Sarah Gordon looks at two of the larger groups of Americans who are experiencing food insecurity — seniors and children. Not only are they more vulnerable and susceptible to hunger and malnutrition than most of the population, they’re also less able to improve their situations. Click here to read the full story.

Destination Small Town: Old World Germany in Oldenburg

In our newest series, Destination Small Town, adventure-travel writer Michael Waterford explores intriguing places in Indiana. His first trip is to "ludicrously pleasant” Oldenburg. With Germanic heritage, a historic convent, and two restaurants on the Southeastern Indiana Chicken Tour (yes, it's a real thing), Oldenburg is a fantastic weekend getaway. Click here to read the full story.

Service Dogs Are a Breed Apart

The range of skills and tasks that service dogs can accomplish is remarkable — almost human. At the very least, they provide a measure of confidence and independence to people with specific needs, but often the results are nothing short of life saving. In this article, writer Brian Hartz looks at the canine saviors. Click here to read the full story.

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