

month : 03/2018 9 results

Visiting Photographer Engaging Local Groups in Project ‘Juvenile in Justice’

Photographer and activist Richard Ross will be in Bloomington for a two-day interdisciplinary arts program, showing his work on juvenile justice and discussing how artists can create “in a time of rage,” among other events. One of his former assistants, Rachel Glago, writes about his work and how a dozen local groups are getting involved. Click here to read the full story.

Behind the Curtain: ‘Nice Nails,’ A Play That Cuts to the Quick

Social issues are rarely black and white, as revealed in Nice Nails, a play by Aaron Ricciardi, presented by IU’s theatre department. LP columnist Jennifer Pacenza looks Behind the Curtain at the circumstances in which a Korean family, a South African immigrant, and a trans man are entangled in labor-law violations in Long Island nail salons. Click here to read the full story.


Big Mike’s B-town: Pat East, Tech Guru

LP columnist Michael G. Glab goes high tech! Well, at least, he talks to high-tech guru Pat East, who co-founded Hanapin Marketing and works with local start-ups and organizations such as Dimension Mill, Inc. East also mentors local entrepreneurs hoping to avoid the pitfalls he encountered along the road to success. Click here to read the full story.

You’ll Chuckle, Chortle, Crack Up, and Possibly Even Cry — Cardinal Stage Company’s ‘The Complete History of Comedy (abridged)’ Powers Through Centuries of Comedy by Tessa Yannone

Cardinal Stage Company is bringing the Reduced Shakespeare Company’s The Complete History of Comedy (abridged) to Bloomington — the play’s premier in Indiana. Full of goofs, gaffes, and gags ranging from high to low brow, this show covers it all … well, at least as many comedy acts as can be crammed into a 3-person play! Click here to read more about the show from director Jesse Bernstein.

Guest Column: Ivy Tech Storytelling Series Connects People in ‘a Different Way’

The Ivy Tech Storytelling Series focuses on divisive issues — race, reproductive rights, immigration — and makes them personal. In this article, Reverend Forrest Gilmore recalls a heart-wrenching experience from his past, but he also shows how stories help us make sense of our lives and are an “opportunity to expand our capacity for community.” Click here to read the full story.


Sanctuary Moving, Growing, Giving Farm Animals Freedom

Some Hoosier farmers raise millions of animals that spend much of their lives in confinement — their sole existence in these “Confined Feeding Operations” is to get plump enough for market. But some of these animals are rescued and find their way to Uplands PEAK, a farm animal sanctuary. Writer Susan M. Brackney writes more about the refuge. Click here to read the full story.

‘Black Panther’ Scene Forges Opportunity at Sculpture Trails

For a story in the Greene County Daily World, staff writer Patti Danner interviewed Gerry Masse, owner and founder of the Sculpture Trails Museum in Solsberry, in which Masse reveals the connection between a sculpture in the hit movie Black Panther and a Slovakian artist getting an internship at the Sculpture Trails. Story reprinted by permission. Click here to read the full story.

Porter West: Sycamore Land Trust’s ‘Diamond in the Rough’

A lot goes into preserving the natural beauty of an area — but sometimes that means just letting it be. Sycamore Land Trust’s Porter West Preserve, for example, includes a former composting site, sinkholes, and a cemetery. Writer Jonah Chester explores how SLT manages problems like invasive species in such “diamonds in the rough.” Click here to read the full story and to see many photos of Porter West.


Announcing Our First Print Edition, Limestone Post’s ‘A Sense of Place: Calling Bloomington Home for 200 Years’ (and a Party!) by Emily Winters, Marketing & Advertising Director

Limestone Post is happy to announce our first print edition, an art magazine dedicated to local history and our community’s unique character. Limestone Post’s A Sense of Place: Calling Bloomington Home for 200 Years will arrive just in time for Bloomington's and Monroe County’s bicentennial celebrations. This commemorative print issue will showcase a variety of creative local talent — with long-form articles paired with illustrations, photography, recipes, creative writing, and other artwork that reflect upon how our community has grown and changed over the years. Click here to read more about Limestone Post’s A Sense of Place.