

month : 08/2017 11 results

Stirring the Pot: Doula Do-Gooder, Leah Rose Hagen

If life hands you zucchinis, make zoocanoes! Leah Rose Hagen has followed her calling to share healthful food with others and to help mothers with newborns. The postpartum doula and founder of Nourish, an in-home chef and catering company, spoke to LP’s resident sage, Ruthie Cohen, about her life’s calling. Click here to read the full story.

Ross Lockridge Jr., a Great American Tragedy

In 1948, Ross Lockridge Jr. died by suicide in Bloomington just months after his best-selling novel, Raintree County, was published. In 2014, Doug Storm interviewed two of Lockridge’s sons for Interchange, his show on WFHB. Here, Storm writes about the sons’ conflicting opinions on the suicide and the assessment of Raintree County as the Great American Novel. Click here to read the full story.


World Music Trailblazers Bring Innovative Sounds to Lotus

Music speaks. And it can tell stories. Musical acts Meklit (Ethiopia) and Sabha Motallebi (Iran) will showcase their own forms of musical storytelling this year at the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. In part 3 of his series, writer Benjamin Beane explores their genre-bending and -expanding music — and the stories they want to tell. Click here to read the full story.

IU Researcher: Some Species Adapt Faster to Climate Change

IU Research Scientist Adam Fudickar studies animal behavior in response to climate change. “Many parts of the planet that haven’t changed for a really long time are changing very rapidly,” he says. While many species cannot adapt fast enough, some can, which provides hope to researchers. Writer Brian Hartz explores Fudickar’s work on the dark-eyed junco. Click here to read the full story.

Big Mike’s B-town: Kate Hess Pace, Building Power for Change

For Kate Hess Pace, founder of the progressive grassroots group Hoosier Action, voting matters, but there are also “many, many other ways for people to build power for change.” She spoke about empowering people with Michael G. Glab on his WFHB show Big Talk, and here, in Glab’s LP column Big Mike’s B-town. Click here to read the full story.


Behind the Curtain: Va-Va-Va-Vaudeville

It’s a juggernaut! It’s a celebration of Bloomington’s amazing talent! It’s an extravagant array of performers — jugglers, dancers, comedians, aerial acrobats, burlesque performers, musicians, and even clever canines! It’s Va-Va-Va-Vaudeville! Jennifer Pacenza takes you Behind the Curtain of this variety show playing this weekend at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater. Click here to read the full story.

Nest Generation Initiative: Cardinal Stage Company Offers Generous Ticket Subscription Program to Spread the Love of Live Theater by Benjamin Beane

Many people understand the enormous impact live theater can have on a person’s life. Cardinal Stage Company is now making it easy to give someone under 35 a full-season subscription to its Mainstage productions. And it’s just $35. That’s 5 shows in the 2017-2018 season for $35. It’s called the Nest Generation Initiative, and its true value lies with giving young adults an unforgettable experience — the chance to support and enjoy live theater. Click here to read more about the Nest Generation.

‘Stone Country,’ the Land That Carved a People

In her first article for Limestone Post, Yaël Ksander, a producer at WFIU, takes an in-depth look at the collaboration between photographer Jeffrey Wolin and writer Scott Russell Sanders, whose two books (published 30 years apart) are a chronicle of our quarries — the workers, rock, and cultural histories of the Indiana limestone industry. Click here to read the full story.


New Art Scene Is Redefining What ‘Gallery’ Means

What do you think of when you hear “Bloomington art gallery”? Many traditional galleries might come to mind, but a new scene is emerging that offers “hip alternatives to the institutions,” says Lindsay Welsch Sveen. With photos by Samuel Welsch Sveen, she shows us several places that are redefining “gallery.” Click here to read the full story.

Saving Hoosier Agricultural Heritage, One Barn at a Time

Every time you tear down a barn you obliterate a memory, says barn preservationist Duncan Campbell. But he and others are committed to saving what’s left of these legacies of Indiana’s diverse barn heritage. LP writer and editor Dason Anderson looks into their efforts to preserve these treasures of Indiana’s (agri)cultural past. Click here to read the full story.

Big Mike’s B-town: Peggy

Some folks just won’t stay down. Peggy is one of them. Through an abusive past — and a challenging present — Peggy persists. In Big Mike’s B-town, Michael G. Glab talks to someone who has experienced homelessness for almost two years. Although life always seems to knock her down, “I get back on my feet,” Peggy says. Click here to read the full story.