

Poetry 7 results

New Poetry Book by Matt Hart Is ‘Reconceived’ Translation

Matt Hart’s book-length poem FAMILIAR is called “a joyous obliteration” of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself,” by way of a Spanish version of Whitman’s poem by León Felipe. Local poet Hiromi Yoshida interviewed Hart about his work and specifically this book, which was published by an imprint of local publisher Ledge Mule Press. | Click here to read about Matt Hart and FAMILIAR.

Writers and Literary Groups Have Taken ‘New Directions’ During Pandemic

The pandemic has affected writers and literary arts organizations in unique ways in the past 19 months, says writer Hiromi Yoshida. Several writers and organization leaders told Yoshida how they continue to work through the changes — and take their writing and organizations in new directions. The results, she writes, are inspirational and uplifting. Click here to read their stories.


Writers Guild Spoken Word Series: Observing National Hispanic Heritage Month

During National Hispanic American Heritage Month, the Writers Guild at Bloomington will celebrate the unique contributions of Hispanic Americans with a virtual edition of its First Wednesdays Spoken Word Series. The October 6 livestream will feature three women writers: Shana Ritter, Zilia C. Balkansky-Sellés, and Rosebud Ben-Oni. Click here to read more about them and how to attend the performance.

Writers Guild Spoken Word Series: Observing Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

For Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May, the Writers Guild at Bloomington is featuring four Asian American performers for the virtual edition of its First Wednesdays Spoken Word Series on May 5. Writer Hiromi Yoshida wrote a preview of the event for LP. “To be Asian, however American, is dangerous in this volatile post-Trump era,” Hiromi writes. Click here for Hiromi’s article.

Cure Cabin Fever with a February Calendar Full of Events!

After January’s polar vortex gives way to February’s cold, gray weather, it might seem like spring will never arrive. But don’t let cabin fever set in. LP’s Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski has compiled a list of expos, games, concerts, films, and other February activities all across our community that will “get you out of the house.” Click here to read the full story.


Big Mike’s B-town: Cristian Medina, Scientist, Poet, Chess Leader

Cristian Medina, a poet, cook, IU researcher, and chess leader from Arica, Chile, has found plenty to keep him busy since moving to Bloomington in the mid-2000s. LP columnist Michael G. Glab talks to Medina about his hometown — bordered by ocean, mountains, and desert — geology and climate change, his work founding Cardboard House Press, and more in the latest Big-Mike’s B-town. Click here to read the full story.

David Torneo: Bloomington’s Ambassador of Poetry

Publisher, poet, playwright, promoter — all of these describe David Torneo, but you could just as easily call him Bloomington’s Ambassador of Poetry. Torneo may spend more time promoting the work of other poets than he does his own, whether by organizing book launches and public poetry readings for local and national poets or interviewing poets for podcasts. He also publishes Ledge Mule Press, a quarterly publication made in limited editions with handmade techniques. Click here to read the full story.

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