
Healthy Living 184 results

Bee-Town Gets Busy: The State of All Things Bee and How You Can Help

While the honeybee population in Monroe County is thriving, studies show Indiana's colony loss is worse than the national average. Bloomington beekeeper Susan M. Brackney addresses the complicated and troubling issue, and she offers advice on helping not only honeybees but also bumblebees, butterflies, and other native pollinators. Click here to read the full story.

6 Great Places to Run Wild Near Bloomington

Ultramarathoner Miranda Addonizio tells Jen Hockney Bratton her favorite off-road running trails in southern Indiana, where you'll discover waterfalls, caves, and lush forests — for letting go of urban anxiety and putting in some wild miles. Click here to read the full story.

Bring on the Bison: Natural, Nutritional Meat Making a Comeback in Indiana

Thanks to the efforts of the government and private individuals such as Zach Martin, owner of Red Frazier Bison Ranch in Greene County, America is once again a land where the buffalo roam — just in time for Indiana’s bicentennial next year. Click here to read the full story.

Can Yoga Save the World?

Yoga is an ancient practice that has found a purpose in modern times — many purposes, really, with a new type of practice springing up seemingly every week. Yoga practitioner and teacher Samantha Eibling takes you on a path to the origin of yoga, when it was only an oral tradition, to its current state of many incarnations. Along the way, she enlightens you with the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga that could save the world — or just yourself. Click here to read the full story.