

Kids 60 results

‘Juniper’ a Gripping Story of Local Family and a Girl ‘Born Too Soon’

The new book Juniper: The Girl Who Was Born Too Soon, by award-winning journalists and IU professors Tom and Kelley French, tells the riveting story of their daughter, Juniper, who was born prematurely — at just 23 weeks. Writer and WFHB radio host Michael G. Glab writes about the family and their book in his first story for Limestone Post. Click here to read the full story.

13 Books to Keep Young Readers Entertained on Those Long Summer Days

Whether your child wants to participate in the library’s Summer Reading Program or just browse The Book Corner, experts agree that reading should be part of every child’s summer fun. Jen Hockney Bratton asks the librarian at University Elementary School, Mary D’Eliso, for suggestions to while away the summer days. Click here to read the full story.

IU Health Addressing Push to Provide Nurse-Midwives

Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) help with pre- and postnatal care, but none are available at nearby hospitals. Since a local group petitioned IU Health Bloomington to provide a network of CNMs, the hospital has been “actively addressing this need.” First, it must recruit enough obstetricians to support a midwifery program. Click here to read the full story.

Former Foster Child Says CASA Had Huge Impact on His Success

When children enter the legal system due to neglect or abuse, they often confront an ever-changing stream of caseworkers, counselors, and more. As Dorian Phillips learned, their one constant throughout the process is their Court Appointed Child Advocate, or CASA, who stays with each child until the case is closed. Click here to read the full story.

Food Insecurity, Part 2: Seniors and Children Are the Most Vulnerable

In part 2 of this three-part series, Sarah Gordon looks at two of the larger groups of Americans who are experiencing food insecurity — seniors and children. Not only are they more vulnerable and susceptible to hunger and malnutrition than most of the population, they’re also less able to improve their situations. Click here to read the full story.

Curious Kids Explore Science and Art at IU

Children ranging in age from kindergarten to eighth grade take over IU classrooms on Saturdays. At the School of Education, prospective teachers get real-life field practice and youngsters get real-world experiences in art and science that they might not otherwise get at school. Click here to read the full story.

14 Books Kids Will Love to Get as Gifts

Books, arguably, make the best presents. And children’s book expert Mary D’Eliso knows some of the best books you can give. Since 2004, after 15 years in the children’s department at Monroe County Public Library, D’Eliso has been the librarian at University Elementary School. As writer Jen Hockney Bratton puts it, “This librarian knows her stuff.” Click here to read the full story.

What Can Lynda Do for You?

Through lynda.com, the Monroe County Public Library now offers online classes often taken by university students and corporate employees. Lessons in everything from photography to business are free with a library card and can be taken at one’s own pace — as writer Jonna Mary Yost learned while tackling her Adobe Illustrator demons. Click here to read the full story.

Farm to Yarn: The Dye Part 2 of a 3-Part Series on the Life of Local Fiber

Lindsay Welsch returns to Marble Hill Farm for the second article in her three-part series on procuring yarn from its source. Stage two comprises the many steps in dyeing wool and the hands-on relationship that develops with color as it’s drawn out of indigo, goldenrod, marigold, and onion skins and affixed to the animal fiber. Click here to read the full story.

Stirring the Pot: Apples to Apples

Ruthie Cohen reflects on how rituals season our lives, such as the apple-picking pilgrimages she and her children used to take every fall. Although her children have “launched” (that is, left the nest), she continues to peel, core, and prepare, adding her own touches to a coveted recipe and remembering the smiling eyes of her apple-cheeked children. Click here to read the full story.

Saying ‘Yes’ to Kids Goes from Nightmare to Daydream

Jen Hockney Bratton met trepidation and more than a little dread as she approached her children’s first Yes Day — a day of saying Yes to their every request instead of the litany of No’s that’s so prominent in a parent’s vocabulary. But with planning and guidelines, Yes Day for the kids also became a “Heck Yeah!” day for Mom. Click here to read the full story.

Farm to Yarn: The Wool Part 1 of a 3-Part Series on the Life of Local Fiber

Knitting and other fiber crafts have found a new generation of enthusiasts who care about the source of their yarn as much as about its color and pattern. In this first installment of a 3-part series, Lindsay Welsch traces yarn to one of its local sources, Marble Hill Farm. Click here to read the full story.