
Ron Eid


Ron Eid started Limestone Post Magazine with Lynae Sowinski in 2015 as an online publication featuring long-form stories about the arts, outdoors, social issues, and a variety of other topics relevant to Bloomington and south-central Indiana. An award-winning writer and editor, Ron has written feature stories about the arts, culture, sports, business, and adventure travel for publications across the country. He can be reached at [email protected]

Posts by this contributor 10 results

NewsMatch Will Double Your Donation To Limestone Post! Support Local Nonprofit Journalism!

Your donation to Limestone Post will be matched by a nationwide program that supports independent, nonprofit media. It’s called NewsMatch, and it will double your one-time gift or match your new monthly donation 12 times, up to $1,000 per donor! This is a great way to support hyper-local, long-form, public-service journalism. Click here to find out how to double your impact!

Limestone Post’s 2023 Impact Report

Limestone Media had a momentous year in 2023! As seen in our 2023 Impact Report, last year was a banner year for our flagship publication, Limestone Post Magazine. Not only did we publish more stories and increase our presence in Bloomington and surrounding communities, but each year our public-service journalism has greater impact in our community. Click here for Limestone Post’s 2023 Impact Report.


NewsMatch Will Double Your Donation To Limestone Post! Support Local Nonprofit Journalism!

Your donation to Limestone Post will be matched by a nationwide program that supports independent, nonprofit media. It’s called NewsMatch, and it will double your one-time gift or match your new monthly donation 12 times, up to $1,000 per donor! This is a great way to support hyper-local, long-form, public-service journalism. Click here to find out how to double your impact!

Your Donation to Limestone Post This Week Will Be Doubled!

We at Limestone Post wish you and your loved ones a safe and prosperous New Year! In 2022, we are planning to make Limestone Post an even stronger publication. We can’t do it without the support of our readers. And this week, through Dec. 31, your donation to Limestone Post will be doubled by the NewsMatch program. Click here for the details!

Nonprofit News Program Doubles Your Donation to Limestone Post!

Limestone Post is the only Bloomington-based publication to participate in the NewsMatch program — an industry-wide movement to sustain nonprofit journalism through matching gifts. This program doubles your monthly donation 12 times — or doubles your one-time gift — all up to $1,000. Click here to read how you can be a part of this exciting program.


Limestone Post’s Top Stories of 2020, a Most Unusual Year

As we look forward to 2021, it might serve us well to remember how our community responded with remarkable resilience and resolve to the challenges we faced — and continue to face — in this exceptionally challenging year. Limestone Post’s talented and dependable contributors kept us informed on many of the important topics of the time. Click here to read about LP’s Top Stories of 2020.

Limestone Post Begins 2nd Year As Nonprofit

Although Limestone Post Magazine launched in 2015, this month we’re celebrating our one-year anniversary as a nonprofit! What a year. Despite the challenges, we’ve continued publishing important stories and have made progress in other significant ways. We’re carrying that momentum into 2021 with renewed hope and enthusiasm. Click here to read about Limestone Post’s past, present, and future.

As a New Nonprofit, Limestone Post Will Focus on Community Journalism

We are proud to announce that Limestone Post Magazine has become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization! With the need for reliable local news being more important than ever, we are committed to publishing articles that help our readers to make informed decisions about our community. Click here to read what this means for Limestone Post and community journalism.


Limestone Post Joins the Nonprofit Journalism Movement

Limestone Post is joining a national movement of media outlets by becoming a nonprofit organization. While continuing to publish in-depth articles covering the interests and concerns of people in our community, as a nonprofit Limestone Post also intends to develop programs that will help citizens engage more effectively in this community. Click here to read the post from Publisher Ron Eid.

From the B-Line Trail to the Pacific Ocean — Hiking the American Discovery Trail

Imagine hiking from the B-Line Trail to the Pacific Ocean (or the Atlantic) without ever leaving an official hiking trail. For years, hiking enthusiasts have been working on the American Discovery Trail, a coast-to-coast trail that passes through southern Indiana. Connecting it to the B-Line, via the Knobstone Trail, isn’t far-fetched. Click here to read the full story.