

month : 12/2022 5 results

Climate Solutions for Great Lakes Power Grid Include Better Planning, Transmission Advocates say electric grid operators need to update their planning process to better prepare for extreme weather that is becoming more common, and that more transmission lines can help lessen the risk of blackouts. 

Advocates say electric grid operators in the Great Lakes region need to update their planning process to better prepare for extreme weather that is becoming more common, and that more transmission lines can help lessen the risk of blackouts. This report is part of a collaborative series from several publications examining climate resilience across the Great Lakes region. Click here to read the article.

Letter from the President of Limestone Post’s Board of Directors by Rebecca Hill

Rebecca Hill, president of the Limestone Post board of directors, is a frequent writer for the magazine, and she has penned a letter to you, our subscribers, to show LP’s commitment to the community, why she prefers the long-form stories that we feature, and why such reporting has become so crucial. She also explains how donations help — and how your donation this month will be doubled! Click here to open Rebecca’s letter.


Anthropologist’s Tips for Digging Into Your Relatives’ Past Over the Holidays, Try Talking to Your Relatives Like an Anthropologist

Anthropologist Elizabeth Keating was close with her parents. Yet after they passed away, she had many questions she wished she had asked. Keating has used her scholarly training to write a guide for how to question family members about their past. You could use Keating’s tips during the holidays for getting to know your family members even better. | Click here for Keating’s tips!

NewsMatch Will Double Your Donation To Limestone Post! Support Local Nonprofit Journalism!

Your donation to Limestone Post will be matched by a nationwide program that supports independent, nonprofit media. It’s called NewsMatch, and it will double your one-time gift or match your new monthly donation 12 times, up to $1,000 per donor! This is a great way to support hyper-local, long-form, public-service journalism. Click here to find out how to double your impact!

Guest Column: Response to ‘The Long Goodbye: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease’

Kathryn Moyle, Ph.D., a dementia advocate for the the Dementia Australia Research Foundation, has written a response to Rebecca Hill’s article “The Long Goodbye: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease,” published recently in Limestone Post. Rebecca’s reporting on treatment, research, and other aspects of the disease were pertinent, but none resonates as much, Kathryn writes, as how loved ones lose their identity. Click here for more on Living with Alzheimer’s.
