Rebecca Hill is the president of the Limestone Post board of directors and a frequent writer for the magazine. In her letter, she shows Limestone Post’s commitment to the community, why she prefers writing long-form stories, and why such reporting is becoming more and more crucial. | Photo by Limestone Post
To our supporters,

Rebecca has written in-depth articles for Limestone Post on cancer care, Alzheimer’s disease, and opioids, among many other topics. She joined the board of directors in 2020 and is currently the board chair.
Three years ago, I had just moved to Bloomington and was looking for writing opportunities. So I was perusing the website for the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network and came across “Limestone Post looking for Board of Directors.” As I read the description, I thought, “Wow, that would be just my thing.” So I reached out to Ron Eid, the publisher. We met on a hot October day at Panera Bread to discuss opportunities. Little did I know what an opportunity it would be.
I have been a freelance feature writer for close to 15 years. I’d written about seemingly everything, from science to science fiction to parenting, but I was ready for something grittier, something more challenging. Limestone Post provided a chance to write about topics that impact what happens in the community. Now I write stories that not only focus on national issues like opioids, cancer, or mental illness, but I can take those issues, look at them locally, and see what’s happening in Bloomington and surrounding communities.
For instance, in one story, I talked to two enterprising women in Orange County who, having been impacted by cancer themselves, decided to start community centers for cancer-patient services. What innovating people are doing to solve problems on a local level is nothing short of miraculous, but nowadays, they get little to no coverage. Why? Because local news sources are rapidly drying up or being swallowed by corporate entities who prefer instead to artificially deliver the news.
So I joined Limestone Post as a science and health writer/editor. I also joined the board of directors and am now board chair. We are a growing organization but a committed one. We are committed to bringing our readers those stories ignored nationally but matter so much here at home. And as nonprofit media, we are, by nature, committed to our community, because it’s our community who tell us their stories. These are the important stories.
Our successes, and solutions, are valuable and necessary, but they will remain silent and unknown without a voice. That’s why giving to Limestone Post is so essential. By donating to us, you are telling us that nonprofit journalism matters to you and our community.
Or, if you want to support Limestone Post with a more hands-on experience, you may consider volunteering for us. We can use help in a number of areas — from accounting to marketing to fundraising and more. If you’re interested in helping us with the magazine, let us know!
So consider joining us today in delivering the information people need to make important decisions about our community. We are a digital publication, and all of our content is free — and with your help, we can keep it free for all who need to know.
Be a supporter with a voice willing to support the successes and solutions we are covering in our community! From all of us at Limestone Post, thank you!
—Rebecca Hill