Limestone Post’s ‘A Sense of Place’: An Art Magazine More Than 200 Years in the Making
How can the culture, heritage, and history of Bloomington and Monroe County possibly be portrayed in all its diversity and richness? Through paintings, illustrations, photography, poetry, and in-depth stories. Limestone Post’s
A Sense of Place includes the work of dozens of local writers, photographers, painters, poets, and other artists.
Click here to get a glimpse inside.
Suppress Dieting, Not Hunger, with Intuitive Eating
For many, suppressing the feeling of hunger with restrictive diets only leads to more-intense levels of hunger, writes Amanda Boyer. Think “hangry.” But the practice of intuitive eating — eating in a way that honors and respects your body’s hunger, fullness, and cravings — could be a more healthful and pleasurable approach to food, without dieting.
Click here to read the full story.
Peregrine Falcons, a Conservation Success Story
Peregrine falcons in America have soared back from the brink of extinction since the 1960s, even in Indiana. Just as humans caused their decline, “it was also dedicated humans who brought these birds back,” writes Jared Posey. This “standout conservation success story” is unusual because peregrines “may be benefiting from an increasingly urban landscape.”
Click here to read the full story.
Limestone Post’s ‘A Sense of Place’: An Art Magazine More Than 200 Years in the Making
How can the culture, heritage, and history of Bloomington and Monroe County possibly be portrayed in all its diversity and richness? Through paintings, illustrations, photography, poetry, and in-depth stories. Limestone Post’s
A Sense of Place includes the work of dozens of local writers, photographers, painters, poets, and other artists.
Click here to get a glimpse inside.
Stirring the Pot: Mini Mommy
“Every family has its outliers,” writes Ruthie Cohen in Stirring the Pot. The outlier in her family is Eve, aka “Mini Mommy,” the only one of Ruthie’s five children who shares her enthusiasm for cooking. “Mea culpa,” admits Ruthie. But her and Eve’s time in the kitchen has inspired some hearty winter fare.
Click here to read the full story.