

month : 10/2017 11 results

Logging, Runoff in 5 Counties Threaten Health of Lake Monroe

The Lake Monroe watershed — the land and creeks that drain into the lake — includes parts of five counties. Writer Susan M. Brackney looks at a group of “friends” who are safeguarding the lake — along with our drinking water and the plants, fish, and wildlife of Lake Monroe — from the effects of runoff and logging. Click here to read the full story.

9 Hoosier Haunts to Rattle Your Halloween

Ghost stories have been a part of Hoosier lore ever since there have been storytellers. In his first article for LP, writer Grayson Pitts goes in search of spirits, ghosts, and mysterious legends at nine of Indiana’s scariest spots, including a mournful cemetery, a boisterous (but empty) banquet hall, and even “Indiana’s Stonehenge.” Click here to read the full story.


Cardinal Stage Company Brings a Powerful, Contemporary Adaptation of Frankenstein’s Creature to Life by Benjamin Beane

In Nick Dear’s contemporary adaptation of Frankenstein, the Creature confronts his Creator in a morally nuanced, existential variation of the “monster story.” Cardinal Stage Company founder Randy White returns to Bloomington to direct the show and notes that the play’s “focus on the Creature as Other” gives it power and relevance — and dovetails with Indiana University’s Themester on Diversity, Difference, and Otherness. Click here to read more about Frankenstein.

Guest Column: Changing Minds on Climate Change Is Possible

Since the 2016 election, few people concerned about climate change thought they could have meaningful discussions with climate-science deniers. But members of Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) believe their efforts have even encouraged some congressional Republicans to consider a solution to the issue. In this guest column, writer and CCL activist Erin Hollinden explains how. Click here to read the full story.

Ghouls, Zombies, and Butchers at the Barn of Terror [photo gallery]

Hiding in the wooded hills just north of town, off the old state highway, is a barn whose inhabitants have one goal — to scare the daylights out of you. Intrepid photographer Adam Reynolds captured some of the horrific ghouls that visitors will encounter at the Barn of Terror. Click here, if you dare.


Sexy or Racist? Halloween Costumes That Promote Stereotypes

When is a Halloween costume racist? Unless you’re going as a pumpkin, a zombie, or a couple’s salt and pepper shakers, you might consider the offensive message your costume is sending. Writer Laura Martinez shows why a “sexy Indian princess” costume, for example, perpetuates stereotypes and ignores the history of abuse suffered by Native Americans. Click here to read the full story.

Remembering To Be an Artist When Life Gets in the Way

Finding work-life balance isn’t what people normally associate with the Picassos and Pollocks of the art world. Yet it’s a real-life dilemma for many working artists. Writer Yaël Ksander talks with several artists about how domestic life makes it “hard to remember that you are an artist. Especially if you’re a woman.” Click here to read the full story.

In Memoir ‘Crazy Is Relative,’ Past Informs the Present

In her memoir, Crazy Is Relative, IU Professor Melissa Keller writes about her relationship with her “fascinating and hilarious” mother-in-law, Shirley. As Keller learned about Shirley’s childhood, she began to see how the past informs the present. Writer Allison Yates talks with Keller about how histories define normal and, thus, “crazy is relative.” Click here to read the full story.


‘Read Local’: A Letter from the Desk of Emily Winters, LP’s Marketing and Advertising Director

Limestone Post Marketing and Advertising Director Emily Winters toots her horn about why she loves LP (and you should, too)! A woman with a mission, Emily helps LP’s in-depth, informative stories find their way to loyal readers and the broader community. “The need for homegrown stories and independent voices is ever-pressing," she writes. "LP publishes stories that not only showcase Bloomington’s creativity and quirkiness, but they also examine issues and pose questions that help make us a more informed and engaged community." Click here to read more.

The Cycle of Life in Osamu James Nakagawa’s Photography

Throughout his career, Indiana University artist-educator Osamu James Nakagawa has captured profound life changes in his photography. As an exhibition of Nakagawa’s work opens October 13 at IU’s Grunwald Gallery, IU Professor Emeritus Claude Cookman observes how Nakagawa’s striking imagery reflects “death and life, grief and joy, past and future.” Click here to read the full story.

Daisy Mae, PALS Tiny Animal Ambassador

She provides therapy for nearly 200 children and adults. And she’s only seven hands tall. Daisy Mae is a therapy horse at People & Animal Learning Services. Writer Sierra Vandervort talks to the PALS crew about the miniature horse affected by equine dwarfism, and the comfort she brings to people in Monroe County. Click here to read the full story.