

month : 01/2017 9 results

Theater, Art — ‘Our Mirror to Who We Are’ [video]

David Anspaugh and the cast and crew of Row After Row, a production by Bloomington Playwrights Project, give filmmaker TJ Jaeger a behind-the-scenes look at what their craft means to them, what theater means to the broader world, and why art is important to everybody. Click here to watch the video.

‘Dear S—’: A Letter from Women’s Marcher to 11-Year-Old Girl

On Saturday, January 21, Ruthie Cohen and two busloads of people arrived in Washington, D.C., after an all-night trip from Bloomington, to participate in the Women’s March on Washington. Afterward, in Bloomington, Ruthie penned a response to a friend’s 11-year old daughter, “S—,” who is skeptical about the march making any difference in the world. Here is her letter.


Since the ’70s, Bloomington Has Been a Midwestern Haven for Punk

Punk rock was a lively part of the Bloomington music scene even before the godfathers of American punk, the Ramones, recorded their first album in 1976. And it is still alive and kicking. Sierra Vandervort looks into the hardcore beginnings of punk and how it has influenced today’s stock of DIY musicians. Click here to read the full story.

Elvis Like You’ve Never Seen Her! Cardinal Stage Company’s Production of ‘The Legend of Georgia McBride’ Opens February 3rd

Elvis has left the building — wearing a dress and high heels. In sequined jumpsuits and catchy tunes, Cardinal Stage Company’s The Legend of Georgia McBride will knock you out — just as it knocks down preconceived notions of normality. Following the all-female cast of The Merchant of Venice last fall, The Legend of Georgia McBride furthers Cardinal Stage’s mission to be on the forefront of celebrating diversity in race, sexual orientation, and gender. Click here to read more!

For Some, Winter Means Outdoor Adventures

Wintertime gives outdoor enthusiasts an experience that fair-weather campers often only pretend to enjoy — seclusion in the great outdoors. In frigid and even subfreezing temperatures, when most people are staying warm inside, campers usually have the forests to themselves. And with the right equipment and preparation, winter camping can offer the best of the outdoors. Click here to read the full story.


Art Mag Publisher Finds His Creative Identity in ‘Spunk’

Aaron Tilford, publisher of the art journal Spunk, wrote in the 10th issue that the intention has always been “to inspire, to explore, to create, and to see things in a new way.” Writer Dason Anderson talks to Tilford about living in New York City, publishing an art magazine, and returning home to Bloomington. Click here to read the full story.

Big Mike’s B-town: Cynthia Brubaker, Preservation Developer

Cynthia Brubaker has had more than a hand in preserving some of Bloomington’s most iconic buildings — now homes to some of the town’s favorite galleries, studios, and businesses. This is the second profile in the series Big Mike’s B-town by Michael G. Glab for Limestone Post and based on his WFHB interview show Big Talk! Click here to read the full story.

Stirring the Pot: Jewish Soul Food ‘Tastes Like Home’

Stirring the Pot columnist Ruthie Cohen and Limestone Post invite you to share the foods and stories that make your family recipes “taste like home.” We start with kugel — and Ruthie’s memory of how she grew to appreciate the taste and texture of “Jewish soul food” — and how now, she says, they “taste like home.” Click here to read the full story.


Know Thyself Part 2: Enneagrams and Coping with Your Personality

Our personalities, writes Samantha Eibling, are responsible for the ways we perceive, process, and react to the world around us. In part two of this series on learning about our true selves, she explores the Enneagram, a system of understanding nine personality types — each with its own set of positive, maladaptive, and self-defeating behaviors. Click here to read the full story.