
Michael G. Glab 4 results

Limestone Post Wins 11 SPJ “Best in Indiana” Journalism Awards Categories include Coverage of Social Justice Issues, Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting, and Medical or Science Reporting

Limestone Post won 11 awards in the “Best in Indiana” Journalism Contest hosted last week by the Indiana Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Steve Hinnefeld, Haley Miller, Christina Avery, Christine Brackenhoff, Steven Higgs, Michael G. Glab, Rebecca Hill, Jill Bond, Krista Detor, and Debora Shaw were among the winners. | Photo by Benedict Jones. Learn more about the work of these award-winning writers.

Limestone Post and WFHB Named Finalists for Journalism Collaboration of the Year

Limestone Post and WFHB Community Radio are finalists in the 2023 Nonprofit News Awards for Journalism Collaboration of the Year. Their local news series, called Deep Dive: WFHB & Limestone Post Investigate, is one of three collaborations nationwide selected by the Institute for Nonprofit News. The Limestone Post article, “The Long Goodbye: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease,” by Rebecca Hill, is also a finalist for INN’s Insight Award for Explanatory Journalism. Click here to read more.


Limestone Post’s Top Stories of 2020, a Most Unusual Year

As we look forward to 2021, it might serve us well to remember how our community responded with remarkable resilience and resolve to the challenges we faced — and continue to face — in this exceptionally challenging year. Limestone Post’s talented and dependable contributors kept us informed on many of the important topics of the time. Click here to read about LP’s Top Stories of 2020.

Book Excerpt: ‘Minister’s Daughter: One Life, Many Lives’ by Charlotte Zietlow

Before becoming a local political powerhouse in Bloomington, Charlotte Zietlow and her husband, Paul, spent a year in Czechoslovakia as part of an educational exchange program. She says in her new memoir, “Minister’s Daughter: One Life, Many Lives,” with Michael G. Glab, that the experience proved American democracy was worth fighting for. Click here to read an excerpt from the book.