
Krista Detor 5 results

Limestone Post Wins 11 SPJ “Best in Indiana” Journalism Awards Categories include Coverage of Social Justice Issues, Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting, and Medical or Science Reporting

Limestone Post won 11 awards in the “Best in Indiana” Journalism Contest hosted last week by the Indiana Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Steve Hinnefeld, Haley Miller, Christina Avery, Christine Brackenhoff, Steven Higgs, Michael G. Glab, Rebecca Hill, Jill Bond, Krista Detor, and Debora Shaw were among the winners. | Photo by Benedict Jones. Learn more about the work of these award-winning writers.

The Pandemic Changed How Local Recording Studios Make Music

Bloomington’s recording studios have faced many pandemic challenges over the past two years. Jim Manion, the former music director at WFHB Community Radio, spoke to the owners of Russian Recording, Noisy Chairs Recording, Airtime Studios, and Primary Sound Studios to see how they coped — and continued to create music — during COVID. Click here to read Manion’s article.


Limestone Post’s Top Stories of 2020, a Most Unusual Year

As we look forward to 2021, it might serve us well to remember how our community responded with remarkable resilience and resolve to the challenges we faced — and continue to face — in this exceptionally challenging year. Limestone Post’s talented and dependable contributors kept us informed on many of the important topics of the time. Click here to read about LP’s Top Stories of 2020.

Theater Residency at The Hundredth Hill Creates Art During Pandemic

Krista Detor and Dave Weber’s artist retreat, The Hundredth Hill, has served since August as a theater residency for a troupe of recent graduates from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. Not only has the group created two productions but they will also perform them for live audiences — an all but unheard-of feat in theater during the pandemic. Click here for the story.

Genre-bending Musicians True to B-town’s Character

B-town is home to a variety of musicians and bands that bend and blend genres from punk to folk, country to classical, jazz to metal. Writer Sierra Vandervort says these different “factions” work together to create a vibrant and independent, yet supportive, music scene that is true to Bloomington’s central character. Click here to read the full story.
