Stirring the Pot: Muffins ‘As You Wish’
At its most utilitarian, the humble muffin will relieve your hunger pangs. But in her column, Stirring the Pot, Ruthie Cohen shows how these versatile morsels can give texture and nuance to the everyday. Just like in life’s finest moments, adding a few ingredients can make the muffin bountiful and abundant. “As you wish!”
Click here to read the full story.
‘Dear S—’: A Letter from Women’s Marcher to 11-Year-Old Girl
On Saturday, January 21, Ruthie Cohen and two busloads of people arrived in Washington, D.C., after an all-night trip from Bloomington, to participate in the Women’s March on Washington. Afterward, in Bloomington, Ruthie penned a response to a friend’s 11-year old daughter, “S—,” who is skeptical about the march making any difference in the world.
Here is her letter.