

month : 11/2021 3 results

Nonprofit News Program Doubles Your Donation to Limestone Post!

Limestone Post is the only Bloomington-based publication to participate in the NewsMatch program — an industry-wide movement to sustain nonprofit journalism through matching gifts. This program doubles your monthly donation 12 times — or doubles your one-time gift — all up to $1,000. Click here to read how you can be a part of this exciting program.

What the ‘Sense of Place’ Project by ASE Students Can Teach Us

Students in Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship share their annual “Sense of Place” project with Limestone Post! While their unique “places” are as varied as a horse stable, a limestone mill, Dunn Meadow, Community Kitchen, and Monroe Lake, their videos teach us what we share as a community. Click here to learn about the project and watch their videos!


Changes in Daily Local News Landscape Have Consequences

What happens when local news coverage disappears? Limestone Post asked journalist Steve Hinnefeld to look at the daily news landscape in Bloomington. He interviewed people at several local news outlets and filed this report. The landscape has changed recently in subtle and dramatic ways — some for the better, some not so much. Click here to read about who’s reporting B-town’s daily news.