

month : 10/2021 4 results

The Limestone Reader Book Review: ‘Sister City’ by Ian Woollen

In this inaugural edition of The Limestone Reader Book Review, Yaël Ksander looks at Ian Woollen’s fifth novel, Sister City, which she calls a “wickedly whimsical satire” that connects fictional “sister cities” in Indiana and Mexico. Yaël says Woollen, who lives in Bloomington, writes in the tradition of John Irving and Kurt Vonnegut. Click here to read the inaugural Limestone Reader Book Review.

November Writers Guild Spoken Word Series: Ryser Scholarship Edition by Hiromi Yoshida

The Writers Guild Spoken Word Series on November 3 features Ryser Scholarship winners Hanh Tam Bui and Juliana Crespo, plus Ryser Scholarship founder Shayne Laughter and singer-songwriter Sarah Cassidy — all from Bloomington. The Ryser Scholarship is named after Joan Ryser, who taught literature and creative writing for 44 years at Bloomington High School South. Click here to read the article by Hiromi Yoshida.


Writers and Literary Groups Have Taken ‘New Directions’ During Pandemic

The pandemic has affected writers and literary arts organizations in unique ways in the past 19 months, says writer Hiromi Yoshida. Several writers and organization leaders told Yoshida how they continue to work through the changes — and take their writing and organizations in new directions. The results, she writes, are inspirational and uplifting. Click here to read their stories.

Voting Open for Bloomingfoods Positive Change Program Limestone Post Announcement

Since 2016, Bloomingfoods’ Positive Change program has raised more than $600,000 for local organizations. Member-owners of Bloomingfoods are voting through October 21 to determine the recipients for 2022, but any Bloomingfoods customer can support a local organization whenever they shop at one of the stores. Click here to read about Bloomingfoods’ Positive Change program.