
Kentucky 4 results

Three Local Photographers Share Motivations, Techniques, Photos

Matt Brookshire, Megan Snook, and Jeff Danielson are Monroe County–based photographers who have different techniques, motivations, and subjects for their art. They have also led interesting lives outside of photography. Erin Hollinden talked with all of them, and they shared some of their work with Limestone Post. Click here for their stories and photographs.

A Conversation with Jacinda Townsend, Author of ‘Mother Country’

Jacinda Townsend’s new novel, Mother Country, tackles the subject of motherhood from two perspectives on different sides of the world. Yaël Ksander spoke with Townsend for WFIU’s Inner States program, and she is sharing excerpts of that interview with Limestone Post. Townsend and Ksander will meet again, in person, at Morgenstern Books on June 6. Click here to read their conversation


Hoosier Lawyers, Voters Owe Debt to Antoinette Leach

Since Antoinette Leach began her career as Indiana’s first female lawyer 126 years ago, “the power and presence of women lawyers have increased exponentially, mostly in the past 30 years,” writes Diane Walker, who adds that “both women lawyers and women voters — and, one could argue, all Americans — owe a debt to Antoinette Leach.” Click here to see why.

Eclipse 2017! Where It Lands Near Bloomington

On August 21, the moon will totally eclipse the sun, sending umbral shade across America from west to east. Around Bloomington, people will witness a 94 percent eclipse, but LP writer and editor Dason Anderson shows many places and ways to experience this rare event — either the partial or total eclipse — not far from here. Click here to read the full story.
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