
Business 62 results

Monroe County Commission Plans Limestone Quarry Heritage Park

Writer Laurie D. Borman reports on a project by the Monroe County Plan Commission to turn a 100-acre former quarry property into a limestone heritage park that would highlight the history of the local limestone industry and the art of stonecutting, as well as provide an arts venue open to the public. (Posted: No Swimming.) Click here to read the full story.

Bloomington 2019: ‘The Year of the Farmers’ Market Controversy’

Media coverage and discussions about the Bloomington Farmers’ Market have dismissed the voices of Bloomington’s people of color, says historian Ellen Wu. “This is a major omission, considering that African American, Latinx, and Asian American women have made integral interventions into the debate.” For this article, Wu interviewed eight women of color to get their perspectives on the controversy. Click here to read the article.

Big Mike’s B-town: Adam Nahas, Artist’s Artist

The concept of Artisan Alley — the collective art space, studio, workshop, computer lab, gallery, and other projects — began in Adam Nahas’s basement more than a decade ago. But the path from home workshop to one of Bloomington’s largest art collectives was not a straight line. Writer Michael G. Glab maps out Nahas’s journey. Click here for the story.

High Cost of Living Among Factors in Local Gender Pay Gap

Indiana has the 49th largest gender wage gap in the nation. And the cost of living in Monroe County compounds the problem. While strides have been made, at the current rate it will take decades to achieve equal pay. Writer Hayley Miller looks at the data and gets the perspectives of three local experts. Click here to read the story.

Guest Column: CDFI Friendly Bloomington Funds Overlooked Projects

Banking rules and regulations often prevent underserved communities from getting financing for needed programs. Without investments, projects to assist in affordable housing, develop small businesses, create community facilities, and support the arts go unrealized. Writer Rachel Glago explains how an innovative financial model, a nonprofit called CDFI Friendly Bloomington, expands opportunities for low-wealth communities. Click here to read more.

Guest Column: Protecting Indiana Forests, the Bad News and the Good

Since 2012, the Indiana Division of Forestry has increased logging of state forests by 400 percent, says Anne Laker of the Indiana Forest Alliance. In this guest column, Laker talks about the dangers facing our publicly owned forests and an Indiana Senate bill that could protect them. She also previews the upcoming Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Bloomington. Click here to read the full story

Small Farms Are Putting the ‘Community’ in CSAs

Local farms that participate in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs offer more than just fresh produce. Not only do they make us feel better about how our food is produced, they also create community and enforce a sense of purpose, writes Jared Posey. While CSAs give us far more than we pay for, are they at risk? Click here to read the full story.

‘Benefit Corporations’ Reflect New Vision of What Businesses Can Be

Social impact startups — for-profit businesses that also strive to create a general public benefit — can make their intentions official by forming as benefit corporations, or “B corps.” Writer and attorney Erin Martoglio shows how two trailblazing B corps in Bloomington, Green Camino and The Bee Corp, can do more than just turn a profit. Click here to read the full story.

Stirring the Pot: Flour, Yeast, Salt, Water, and Love — Bloomington Bakers

Among the many talented people in B-town, some nurture our minds, some our souls, some our bellies, writes Ruthie Cohen. Surround a creative person with “caring mentors and a supportive community, and watch her grow.” In her column, Stirring the Pot, Ruthie profiles a few of the nurturing souls in kitchens across town. Click here to read the full story.

Delinquent and Twisted — New Homes to ‘Lowbrow’ and Edgier Art Scene

New spaces — Delinquent Gallery & Tattoo KAIJU and Artisan Alley’s Twisted — offer “lowbrow” and boundary-pushing art in Bloomington, says writer Samuel Welsch Sveen. Comics, video-game-themed artwork, cult movies, and tattoos can be found at one; artist studios, a healing shaman, and a retail store for edgier artwork at the other. Click here to read the full story.

Local Farmers Prepare for Spring Market Season

Knowing where your food comes from is more important than ever. With the first Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market of the season on Saturday (and markets in Ellettsville and Smithville starting soon), getting to know the farmers who produce it is easier than ever. Photographer Chaz Mottinger visited three farms to give us a closer look as they prepare for market. Click here to see her photos.

Big Mike’s B-town: Pat East, Tech Guru

LP columnist Michael G. Glab goes high tech! Well, at least, he talks to high-tech guru Pat East, who co-founded Hanapin Marketing and works with local start-ups and organizations such as Dimension Mill, Inc. East also mentors local entrepreneurs hoping to avoid the pitfalls he encountered along the road to success. Click here to read the full story.