

month : 11/2020 2 results

ASE Students Complete Annual ‘Sense of Place’ Project Despite Pandemic

The annual “Sense of Place” project by students at The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship shows “a sliver of each student’s identity,” writes student Richelle Elkes. But each student’s video, she adds, “gives the viewer a greater understanding of the young people in the community and how their values affect the community of Bloomington.” Click here to read about the project and watch their videos.

‘Amphibious’ Park in Clarksville Anticipates Climate Change Impact

Water volume in the Ohio River is expected to increase by 30 percent over the next 50 years. But a 600-acre park being developed in southern Indiana will turn the inevitable flooding into an attraction, making it “the first climate-resilient park in the Midwest.” Click here to read the story by Beth Edwards of the Indiana Environmental Reporter.
