

The Players Pub 3 results

Guest Column: MidWay Music Fest Fights for Gender Equity On Stage

The MidWay Music Festival is back in B-town with more than 30 women-featured acts. But this year it’s more than just a series of concerts. It’s a nonprofit organization, MidWay Music Speaks, that celebrates and connects women in music and fights for gender equity on stage. Writer Rachel Glago has the score. Click here to read the full story.

Beat the Cold with These 12 Winter Events

Feeling idle in the post-holiday lull? Writer and LP editor Dason Anderson has compiled a list of 12 happenings to get you out and about this winter season. Indoors, outdoors, alone or with friends, there’s something to do for everyone until spring comes again. Click here to read the full story.


Genre-bending Musicians True to B-town’s Character

B-town is home to a variety of musicians and bands that bend and blend genres from punk to folk, country to classical, jazz to metal. Writer Sierra Vandervort says these different “factions” work together to create a vibrant and independent, yet supportive, music scene that is true to Bloomington’s central character. Click here to read the full story.