
Opioid epidemic

For more than two decades, the opioid epidemic has raged in small rural towns and in the suburbs. But what happens when the opioid epidemic collides with the COVID pandemic? Rebecca Hill interviewed people on the front lines of these crises to report about how people in Bloomington and other southern Indiana communities are working on the problem. | Map: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, July 2021, cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/drug-overdose-data.htm

Ron Eid
Publisher at Limestone Post
Ron Eid started Limestone Post Magazine with Lynae Sowinski in 2015 as an online publication featuring long-form stories about the arts, outdoors, social issues, and a variety of other topics relevant to Bloomington and south-central Indiana. An award-winning writer and editor, Ron has written feature stories about the arts, culture, sports, business, and adventure travel for publications across the country. He can be reached at [email protected]