The ‘WonderWomen’ Behind WonderLab
In 1994, a group of Bloomington women conducted a homegrown experiment to create a science playground for children. Today, as it welcomes a new executive director, WonderLab Museum has become a success story far beyond what they imagined. LP contributor Trung Le interviewed some of the women involved with WonderLab since its humble beginnings.
Click here to read about the WonderWomen.
Virginia Githiri, Ph.D., Entrepreneur, Wellness Coach, Life Strategist, and More
Not only does Virginia Githiri, Ph.D., hold four degrees and teach at Indiana University, she’s also an entrepreneur, certified Wellness Coach, life strategist, motivational speaker, and social media influencer. She has also written, recorded, and produced gospel music. Shannon Livengood shows us even more in her profile of the founder of PopKorn Kernels with a Twist.
Click here to read about Dr. Githiri.
Healthcare and the Impact of COVID-19 in So. Indiana Counties
The most significant health threats faced by Hoosiers living in southern Indiana's rural counties are chronic disease, substance abuse, and mental health issues. Another threat is access to healthcare, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Writer Rebecca Hill looks at the problem of rural healthcare access and what various individuals and organizations are doing to help.
Click here to read the article.