

History 81 results

‘History Reclaimed, Stories Retold, Theatre Revealed’ Resilience Productions’ Remarkable Women Series Aims to Educate, Enlighten, and Engage

Since 2016, Danielle Bruce, Gladys DeVane, and Liz Mitchell have enlightened the public on “the many unknown and un-celebrated contributions of African Americans” to Indiana and U.S. history. The next live performance in their Remarkable Women Series is about Judge Viola Taliaferro. They shared their personal experiences and unique contributions with writer Hiromi Yoshida. Click here to read about these Remarkable Women.

The ‘WonderWomen’ Behind WonderLab

In 1994, a group of Bloomington women conducted a homegrown experiment to create a science playground for children. Today, as it welcomes a new executive director, WonderLab Museum has become a success story far beyond what they imagined. LP contributor Trung Le interviewed some of the women involved with WonderLab since its humble beginnings. Click here to read about the WonderWomen.


Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching

Ida B. Wells spent much of her career as a journalist in the late 1800s shedding light on the horrors of lynching. The writer, editor, activist, and co-founder of the NAACP has been called the most famous Black woman of her time in the U.S. This article by Richard Campbell shows her lifelong fight for racial justice. Click here to learn more about Ida B. Wells.

Political Polarization Hurts Communities — What Can Be Done? Deep Dive: WFHB & Limestone Post Investigate Political Polarization

As communities become more Democratic or Republican, their citizens have to cope with ever more left-wing or right-wing policies. As political science scholar Marjorie Hershey writes, polarization tends to make each party “less diverse internally and more different from the views and social characteristics of the other party.” What can be done about it? Click here for a Deep Dive into political polarization.

What Is ‘A Sense of Place’? Bloomington Students Explain — and Share Theirs The 2024 “Sense of Place” project by students at the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship is here!

Students in the American Studies class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship were asked to identify their sense of place. Each student made a video to learn about their special place’s “larger connection to our shared home of southern Indiana.” And as ASE students have done since 2016, they’ve shared their videos with us. Watch their “sense of place” videos here.


How Orange T-shirts Helped Revive Gaming in French Lick

Beginning in the 1990s, a group of Orange County citizens traveled multiple times to the Indiana Statehouse to encourage lawmakers to grant a gaming license to the town of French Lick. Limestone Post and the Southern Indiana Business Report look back at those early days and how gaming today has affected the town and its citizens. Read the article by Laurie D. Borman and Carol Johnson.

The Harmful Consequences of Indiana’s Badly Written Abortion Ban

Indiana legislators have not clarified critical language in the state’s abortion ban, which has led to serious negative consequences for women’s healthcare, including endangering the lives of pregnant women. In part 2 of Rebecca Hill’s in-depth look at Indiana’s abortion ban, she writes about the problems that the majority of Hoosier lawmakers choose to ignore. Click here for the article.

Advocates for Women’s Healthcare Have Plans for Stricter Bans Groups provide abortion access despite further restrictions

Poorly written anti-abortion laws in Indiana and other states have forced pregnant women to leave home for life-saving healthcare. Many women rely on networks of groups to help with travel to medical clinics and access to safe medication. Some of those groups have taken cues from the underground networks of the early 1970s. Read the in-depth report here.


Tintype Photography Transformed a Photojournalist’s Way of Life

Life as a world-traveling documentary photographer was fast-paced for Megan Snook. But, as she writes in this photo essay, becoming a mother “drastically changed my way of life.” Tintype photography helped with the transformation, and now she is “better able to appreciate the things which are most precious in this life.” Read Megan’s story and see her tintype photography.

Celebrating Monroe Lake’s 60th Anniversary Series of events and programs planned for lead-up to October reception

We couldn’t imagine living without Monroe Lake, writes Michael G. Glab. The reservoir is “the source of our drinking water, a destination for many outdoor activities, and home to a wide variety of critters and flora.” This year marks the 60th anniversary of its dedication, with many events planned to commemorate it. Read Glab’s article, featuring Interpretive Naturalist Jill Vance.

Antique Machinery Club Keeps Tractors — and History — Alive

In May, the Monroe County Antique Machinery Association held its spring antique machinery and tractor show. The turnout was “impressive,” writes Dason Anderson, as more than 100 tractors and other machines were on display. Association President Tim Deckard says the two-year-old club helps give the public a deeper understanding of our local history and culture. Read the story and see the machines.

Whereas, Chief Justice John Marshall Declares the Supreme Court Supreme

A closer look at Marbury v. Madison — the Supreme Court decision that placed the judicial branch of government above Congress — may make Americans more open to judicial reform, writes Jim Allison. Given the unpopularity of recent court rulings and questionable behavior by some of its justices, the time seems ripe for a check on the court. Read the review.