
Business 62 results

Quaff ON! Brewery ‘Abides’ in Nashville, Expanding Its Production and Adding a Distillery

When it seems another craft brewery or distillery is opening every month, it’s natural to ask, how many can a community support? Quaff ON! Brewery, which is both building a new beer-making facility and starting a distillery in Nashville, shows writer Jonna Mary Yost how such companies can be integral parts of community development. Click here to read the full story.

What Can Lynda Do for You?

Through lynda.com, the Monroe County Public Library now offers online classes often taken by university students and corporate employees. Lessons in everything from photography to business are free with a library card and can be taken at one’s own pace — as writer Jonna Mary Yost learned while tackling her Adobe Illustrator demons. Click here to read the full story.