As part of Monroe County Community School Corporation’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship — a New Technology High School — students in Rachel Bahr’s class explore multiple pathways as a way to enrich their knowledge and apply their learning in a variety of situations.
Students in the American Studies class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship were asked to identify their sense of place. Each student made a video to learn about their special place’s “larger connection to our shared home of southern Indiana.” And as ASE students have done since 2016, they’ve shared their videos with us. Watch their “sense of place” videos here.
Since 2016, students in Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have made immersive audio tours about their “sense of place,” someplace they’re personally or sentimentally connected to — or simply “where you aren’t afraid to be yourself.” And they graciously share their videos with Limestone Post’s readers. Click here for ASE’s 2023 “Sense of Place” videos.
Limestone Post is proud to present the 2022 “Sense of Place” project by Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship. “From the students who talked about the local teen space downtown to our local college campuses,” writes student Lilly Laudeman, “we’ve created these videos that invite you into our special places.” Click here to discover their “Sense of Place.”
Students in Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship share their annual “Sense of Place” project with Limestone Post! While their unique “places” are as varied as a horse stable, a limestone mill, Dunn Meadow, Community Kitchen, and Monroe Lake, their videos teach us what we share as a community. Click here to learn about the project and watch their videos!
The annual “Sense of Place” project by students at The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship shows “a sliver of each student’s identity,” writes student Richelle Elkes. But each student’s video, she adds, “gives the viewer a greater understanding of the young people in the community and how their values affect the community of Bloomington.”
Click here to read about the project and watch their videos.
Each fall since 2016, students in Rachel Bahr’s class at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have completed a class project, called "Sense of Place," and shared their work with Limestone Post. The "places" covered in this year's videos include a quarry, a corn maze, a grandparents’ farm, neighborhoods, parks, and even the activity of creating art. Click here to watch all 16 videos.
For the third straight year, students in Rachel Bahr’s English 11 class at the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have explored a specific place that has special meaning to them — from their own backyard to Griffy Lake to high above the city. In 15 immersive audio tours, they each share their unique sense of place. Click here to watch their videos!
Students at Bloomington’s Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship have completed a class project that challenged them to choose a location and reflect on what it means to them. Then they each made a video to express that location’s “sense of place.” They’ve shared their work with Limestone Post, and the results are powerful. Click here to watch and learn.
Rachel Bahr assigned her high school English class at the Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship to take photos of places in Bloomington and write descriptions about their “sense of place.” The project, called “This Is Where,” shows how personal, poignant, and different each person’s sense of place can be. Click here to read the full story and see the students' photos.