

month : 03/2023 4 results

Resilient Gardens Bend to the Will of Mother Nature

How to create a garden that is resilient to the vagaries of Indiana weather? Jami Scholl, a writer and gardener who was active in the early stages of the urban agriculture movement in Bloomington, says we must work with the forces of nature and “the basic environmental limiting factors of sunlight, water, and soil.” Click here for Jami’s tips on creating a resilient garden.

Tree Service Is Just Part of Bluestone Tree’s Role in Community Stewardship An article about one of our sponsors, Bluestone Tree

Like other tree service companies, Bluestone Tree specializes in overall tree health, pruning, and removal, especially after storms. But that’s just the start for this local company. Not only does Bluestone Tree play a vital role in keeping our urban forest healthy, it has become a pillar of stewardship and tree care education in Bloomington and Monroe County. Click here to read about Bluestone Tree!


‘No Silver Bullet’: Advocates, Officials Use Many Tactics on Housing Woes Deep Dive: WFHB & Limestone Post Investigate Local Housing Issues, Part 2

In part 2 of our housing series, Steve Hinnefeld reports on how housing advocates and officials are addressing the affordable housing problem in Bloomington and Monroe County. This series is part of “Deep Dive: WFHB & Limestone Post Investigate,” a collaboration between WFHB Community Radio and Limestone Post. Click here for the Steve’s housing report and to learn more about Deep Dive.

Voting Guide for 2023 Local Primaries by League of Women Voters

Primary elections take place across Indiana this year on May 2, with early voting in Monroe County beginning on April 4. As Debora Shaw, spokesperson for the League of Women Voters of Bloomington–Monroe County, writes in this Voting Guide, local primary races may decide the eventual winner of the general election in November. Click here to read the Guide.