

month : 02/2019 9 results

Lick Creek Settlement Holds Piece of Black History in Indiana

In the early 1800s, free Black pioneers settled in Orange County. The community thrived, despite a racist state constitution, hateful whites, and fugitive-slave catchers. As racial tensions increased, many of the families sold their land and left. Writer Diane Walker tracked down sources and documents to reveal what happened during this remarkable time in Indiana history. Click here to read the full story.

UNVEILED Turns Intimate Photo Sessions Into Support and Empowerment by Julie Warren

Transformative, empowering, supportive. This is how clients of UNVEILED describe their boudoir photo session. But being physically and emotionally exposed while having their photo taken is what bonds them to each other, writes Julie Warren. As one client puts it, “The support from other women to love yourself and one another is ongoing and crucial in a world that tends to tell us to do otherwise.” Click here to learn more about the UNVEILED community.


Bloomington’s Front Porches, a (Living) Space Between Two Worlds

Front porches in Bloomington began to flourish in the early 1900s, when bungalows became the most common type of house being built. As writer Harriet Castrataro observes, front porches create a liminal space between two worlds — where the private and public come together. Bloomington’s front porches, both old and new, serve a multitude of purposes. Click here to read the full story.

The Granfalloon: A Festival of Music, Literature, and Art, Inspired By Kurt Vonnegut by Julie Warren

Hoosier author Kurt Vonnegut Jr. was an astute observer of people, culture, and communities. He has also inspired the Granfalloon festival, a multi-day celebration of art, ideas, and building connections between people. Organized by the IU Arts and Humanities Council, the second annual Granfalloon features music, academic panels, and creative activities to connect the campus and the community. Click here to read more about our own granfalloon.

Guest Column: Protecting Indiana Forests, the Bad News and the Good

Since 2012, the Indiana Division of Forestry has increased logging of state forests by 400 percent, says Anne Laker of the Indiana Forest Alliance. In this guest column, Laker talks about the dangers facing our publicly owned forests and an Indiana Senate bill that could protect them. She also previews the upcoming Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Bloomington. Click here to read the full story


Keeping Theatre Ticket Prices Low Despite High Production Costs by Julie Warren

A Cardinal Stage survey shows that producing live theatre can cost ten times more than most people think. Art provides an incalculable benefit to those who experience it, so Cardinal Stage is committed to producing quality professional theatre while keeping ticket prices low. Click here to read how they do it.

Stirring the Pot: Dump Trucks and Donabes

Her grandson’s fascination with dump trucks has helped Ruthie Cohen to up her game in the kitchen. Now she considers “other methods and materials for cooking.” Led by “a little child with his toy bulldozer in hand,” she explores how a Japanese donabe and a Tunisian tagine can enrich your kitchen creations. Click here to read the full story.


Goods For Cooks: More Than Goods, For More Than Just Cooks by Julie Warren

Goods For Cooks has been in business for 45 years, not just because of the products it offers (cookware, food, and decorations) but also because of the relationships it builds, with both experienced and first-time cooks. “We take the time to listen to their stories,” says co-owner Sam Eibling, “about food, travels, and family traditions.” Click here to read more about Goods For Cooks.