

month : 09/2018 9 results

Can Bloomington Be Called the ‘Biking Capital of the Midwest’?

While the city’s biking infrastructure leaves much to be desired, Bloomington has plenty to back its claim as the Biking Capital of the Midwest, argues writer and avid biker Sean Starowitz. Whether it’s gravel, road, trail, or mountain biking, Bloomington is the hub of some of the best riding around. Click here for more, including Starowitz's suggestions for routes, clubs, and more.

Stronger Together: Cardinal Stage and BBP Share Resources to Enhance Theatre in Bloomington by Julie Warren

A busy night in Bloomington offers a lot of art and performances to choose from, and theatre-goers may sometimes find themselves pulled in different directions. Two of the larger companies in town, Cardinal Stage and the Bloomington Playwrights Project, are working together, not only to coordinate their calendars, but to also share a staff member. Click here to read more about this unique collaboration between these local organizations and about their new Technical Director, Tien-Yin Sun.


Guest Column: Lotus Artists Follow Hearts, Challenge Social Injustices

With all the world music being performed this week at Lotus, at least two acts have powerful messages for our own country. Raye Zaragoza’s music often conveys political, social, or environmental messages folded into song, while Making Movies portrays the struggles of immigrants, writes Sara Sheikh, marketing director of the Lotus Education & Arts Foundation. Click here to read the full story.

IU Mandela Washington Fellow Shares Impressions and Photos of Bloomington

Francis Shok Mweze spent six weeks this summer in IU’s Mandela Washington Fellowship. Now back in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, he hopes to make his hometown a “visual arts capital in the region.” Limestone Post asked Mweze about his ambitions, his stay in Bloomington, and about the photos he took while here. Click here to read our Q&A with Mweze and to see some of his photos of Bloomington.

Organizing the Left Through Strategy and Solidarity

How do people with similar values unite when their methods of action conflict with each other? Writer and organizer Alexandria Hollett says this question is illuminated by “the difference between organizing campaigns on the one hand and symbolic activism on the other.” Hollett speaks to several local activists about “building the world we all deserve.” Click here to read the full story.


Big Mike’s B-town: Cristian Medina, Scientist, Poet, Chess Leader

Cristian Medina, a poet, cook, IU researcher, and chess leader from Arica, Chile, has found plenty to keep him busy since moving to Bloomington in the mid-2000s. LP columnist Michael G. Glab talks to Medina about his hometown — bordered by ocean, mountains, and desert — geology and climate change, his work founding Cardboard House Press, and more in the latest Big-Mike’s B-town. Click here to read the full story.

Behind the Curtain: New Film on ‘Life and Slimes’ of Gameshow Host Marc Summers

Marc Summers, host of the gameshow Double Dare, is back in town for the screening of the documentary On Your Marc at IU Cinema. Writer Jennifer Pacenza talked to Summers and BPP’s Chad Rabinovitz about “Summers’s deeply personal story” and the 2016 BPP play, Everything In Its Place, during which much of the documentary was filmed. Click here to read the full story.

Bloomington Valley Nursery: ‘Returning to Our Roots’ by Julie Warren

Since 1965, Bloomington Valley Nursery has been serving local gardeners, from the seasoned green thumb to the “greener” grower. As we head into fall, retreat south of town to enjoy Bloomington Valley Nursery’s walking paths, greenhouses, and the bounty of native species and cool-season plants awaiting planting and find succulents and other houseplants awaiting a home. Click here to learn more about the nursery’s history, plant selection, and community programming.


Hoosier Heritage on Display at 2 Massive Festivals This Month

If you’re looking to escape the weekend crowds this month, two massive festivals in two tiny towns might just be the ticket. Writer Patti Danner guides us through what you can expect from the White River Valley Antique Show (Sept. 6-9) and the Lanesville Heritage Weekend (Sept. 13-16). Each are chockfull of authentic Hoosier heritage and late-summer fun. Click here to read the full story.