

month : 01/2018 9 results

3 Soap Guys Outwit National Brands Online [video]

When starting their business, Bloomington’s Soapy Soap guys created the “volcano method” of making soap. Four years later, they realized that same method would allow people to create their own customized soap — a process not offered by any other soap maker, not even national brands. Seth Teeters interviewed the soap founders in this video.

Science for Grown-ups: Indulge in the Study of Chocolate at WonderLab After Dark by Harper Humphrey, WonderLab Museum

WonderLab After Dark: Chocolate! On February 17th, WonderLab Museum of Science, Health and Technology is open late for a 21-and-over event featuring local libations, food, and, of course, chocolate. Visitors can also explore the science and history of this coveted treat, as well as WonderLab’s other hands-on exhibits. In preparation for the big night, WonderLab Museum Educator Jared Katz has been busy researching the origins of cacao. Click here to read more about WonderLab After Dark: Chocolate.


Big Mike’s B-town: Wounded Galaxies, Where 1968 Intersects with 2018

Wounded Galaxies 1968 — a conference, festival, and symposium including art exhibits, film screenings, and music performances — intersects with Bloomington’s orbit next month. LP columnist Michael G. Glab spoke to Joan Hawkins, a founder of the group that’s organizing the event. While Wounded Galaxies looks at the tumultuous year 1968, Hawkins says the event will be more than a museum piece: “We want to confront the whole concept of revolutionary aesthetics, and ask, ‘Where do we go from here?’” Click here to read the full story.

PRIDE — and Its Film Fest — More Inclusive Than Ever

As the 16th annual PRIDE Film Festival runs this weekend, PRIDE, the local organization that represents the LGBTQ+ community, is “focused more on helping people on the margins,” says Board Chair Janae Cummings. “We don’t want to leave anyone behind.” Writer Erin Hollinden reports on PRIDE’s “recalibrated” vision — and about the Festival. Click here to read the full story.

Winter Gardening: Turning Little Thumbs Green

Winter gardening isn’t just for people who want to get a jump on their tomato starts. In his first LP contribution, Jared Posey shows how it can be a great way to educate and engage younger people. It’s the journey, he writes, “not the size of our cucumbers” that provides them with the lifelong learning. Click here to read the full story.


New FAR Center Joins Arts Community at 4th & Rogers

Local art lovers are anticipating the opening of FAR Center for Contemporary Arts, the new art venue opening in April at Fourth and Rogers. Pictura owners David and Martha Moore are doing more than moving their photography gallery into a historic building — they’re on a mission to bring different kinds of art together. Writer Claude Cookman gives us an in-depth look at the FAR project and its creators. Click here to read the full story.

Cardinal Stage Company Changes Summer Musical to ‘Fun Home’ by Tessa Yannone

Although it’s rare for a local theatre company to change its lineup in midseason, Cardinal Stage Company will change its June show to Fun Home, a critically acclaimed adaptation of Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir tragicomedy. “This show is very much in line with the high-quality, thought-provoking work we’ve produced in the past,” says Artistic Director Kate Galvin, “and I’m excited to bring it to life in a new way for our audience.” Click here to learn more about Cardinal Stage’s decision to produce Fun Home.

Stirring the Pot: ‘Baking Is an Art That People Consume’

In her latest column, Stirring the Pot, Ruthie Cohen savors the confection of cinnamon rolls from home baker Elizabeth Bauder. With patience and care, these warm, gooey treats are surprisingly easy to make. Baking is a creative outlet, Elizabeth says. “It’s a way to love people.” Click here to read the full story.


Beat the Cold with These 12 Winter Events

Feeling idle in the post-holiday lull? Writer and LP editor Dason Anderson has compiled a list of 12 happenings to get you out and about this winter season. Indoors, outdoors, alone or with friends, there’s something to do for everyone until spring comes again. Click here to read the full story.