

month : 06/2017 10 results

Behind the Curtain: ‘As Bad As They’ [a play]

Bella Bravo’s play As Bad As They explores the darkness of opioid addiction and the impulse of nonaddicts, especially loved ones, to exert a new form of control over the addict. And it’s a comedy. In her column, Behind the Curtain, Jennifer Pacenza calls this timely play “local theater as a form of activism.” Click here to read the full story.

Record-Breaking Attempt at Kayaking the Mississippi, Source to Sea

Michael Waterford is attempting to solo kayak the Mississippi River from source to sea faster than anyone in recorded history. If he reaches the Gulf of Mexico before July 30, he will have traveled 2,552 miles in less than 42 days, setting a new record. Read about his trip here, with updates and links to track him live.


Local Filmmaker’s Short Film Screened at Cannes

After his short film "Lost Dog" won awards at Campus MovieFest, filmmaker (and LP contributor) TJ Jaeger thought the journey had ended. But then he was invited to show his film at the 70th annual Cannes International Film Festival in France. Now he has many experiences to share. Click here to read the full story.

Stirring the Pot: Muffins ‘As You Wish’

At its most utilitarian, the humble muffin will relieve your hunger pangs. But in her column, Stirring the Pot, Ruthie Cohen shows how these versatile morsels can give texture and nuance to the everyday. Just like in life’s finest moments, adding a few ingredients can make the muffin bountiful and abundant. “As you wish!” Click here to read the full story.

Out-of-the-Ordinary Summer Events for Your Next Adventure

A-a-a-ah, summer. Bloomington is a different town when school is out. The traffic is thinner, the pace is slower, and the small-town feel really settles in. Boring? Hardly. Here’s a short list of out-of-the-ordinary events to keep your summer happening — all during the week! Click here to read the full story.


‘All the Beautiful Sounds of the World’: ‘West Side Story’ is a Beautiful Send-off for an Accomplished Career and Exemplary 10th Season at Cardinal Stage

Cardinal Stage Company’s 10th season culminates with America’s classic retelling of Romeo and Juliet. Boasting one of the most iconic scores in musical theatre, West Side Story will feature the Sharks and Jets dancing it out at the Buskirk-Chumley Theater, addressing matters of love, race, and class through musical performance. Click here to read more about Cardinal's West Side Story.

Helping a Musical Child Foster a Love of Music

Musical children pass through various stages of development, each step requiring different approaches, encouragement, and patience, says Miller Susens, a cellist in the IU Jacobs School of Music. Supporting young musicians encourages individual expression and contributes to a more well-rounded and compassionate human being. Click here to read the full story.

Behind the Curtain: The Joy of Summer Theater

Attending summer theater allows us to truly enjoy the moment, says Jennifer Pacenza in her Limestone Post column, Behind the Curtain. And local theater lovers have many shows to choose from in the next few months. In this preview of the IU Summer Theatre season, Jennifer says the lineup promises some “lasting summer memories.” Click here to read the full story.


A Hike on the Tecumseh Trail Now Ends in Destruction

Matt Flaherty has traveled the Tecumseh Trail by hiking and camping on it with friends in late summer, running the marathon course in October, and running all 42 miles on one winter’s day. The last trip, though, ended when they reached the southern trailhead and found it had been destroyed by logging trucks. Click here to read the full story.

Big Mike’s B-town: Michael Waterford, Adventurer

This month, adventurer and Bloomington native Michael Waterford will attempt to solo kayak the full length of the Mississippi River in record time — fewer than 42 days. Limestone Post columnist Michael G. Glab spoke to Waterford about his “Race to the Gulf” and the many trials he’ll face on the “big water.” Limestone Post will publish regular updates of Waterford’s journey. Click here to read the full story.