

Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2 results

Guest Column: Protecting Indiana Forests, the Bad News and the Good

Since 2012, the Indiana Division of Forestry has increased logging of state forests by 400 percent, says Anne Laker of the Indiana Forest Alliance. In this guest column, Laker talks about the dangers facing our publicly owned forests and an Indiana Senate bill that could protect them. She also previews the upcoming Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Bloomington. Click here to read the full story

Cure Cabin Fever with a February Calendar Full of Events!

After January’s polar vortex gives way to February’s cold, gray weather, it might seem like spring will never arrive. But don’t let cabin fever set in. LP’s Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski has compiled a list of expos, games, concerts, films, and other February activities all across our community that will “get you out of the house.” Click here to read the full story.
