

The Chocolate Moose 5 results

Behind the Curtain: New Film on ‘Life and Slimes’ of Gameshow Host Marc Summers

Marc Summers, host of the gameshow Double Dare, is back in town for the screening of the documentary On Your Marc at IU Cinema. Writer Jennifer Pacenza talked to Summers and BPP’s Chad Rabinovitz about “Summers’s deeply personal story” and the 2016 BPP play, Everything In Its Place, during which much of the documentary was filmed. Click here to read the full story.

LP’s Top Stories of the Year Reflect B-town’s ‘Sense of Place’

A look back at the most-read stories of 2016 proves what engaged, caring, and creative-minded people live in and around B-town, says Limestone Post’s Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski. And while these stories cover all of our major categories — Arts, Food & Drink, Outdoors, Family, Healthy Living, and Explore/Discover — if we had one theme this year, Lynae says, “it’d be ‘sense of place.’” Click here to check out the top stories of 2016!


Are Market Forces Ruining B-town’s ‘Sense of Place’?

Bloomington’s downtown landscape has changed dramatically in the past decade — influenced more by college students who desire modern amenities than by longtime residents who want to preserve their hometown. Writer Sarah Gordon considers how the conflicting goals of property development and historic preservation affect our “sense of place.” Click here to read the full story.

The Mavens in the Food Trucks

With Food Truck Friday in full swing at two locations in Bloomington, an anonymous photographer set out to photograph the people who make it happen. Whether at The Chocolate Moose or in the parking lot at Smith’s Shoe Center on South Walnut, these chefs, cooks, and servers dish out the goods. Click here to view the photos.

B-town Becoming a ‘Bootstraps Community’ of Unconventional Collaborations

Writer Jonna Mary Yost explores how a new brand of entrepreneurs in B-town are working outside the usual business model — and making it work. It isn’t about just baking the best pizza or brewing the best coffee. It’s about working with people you like and making your town a better place. Click here to read the full story.


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