

Tecumseh Trail Marathon 2 results

A Hike on the Tecumseh Trail Now Ends in Destruction

Matt Flaherty has traveled the Tecumseh Trail by hiking and camping on it with friends in late summer, running the marathon course in October, and running all 42 miles on one winter’s day. The last trip, though, ended when they reached the southern trailhead and found it had been destroyed by logging trucks. Click here to read the full story.

Ultrarunner Matt Flaherty Breaks Record in Tecumseh Marathon

An 80-degree day did not stop Matt Flaherty from breaking the record in the Tecumseh Trail Marathon recently. Flaherty tells Limestone Post about the experience, how trail marathons differ from other kinds of long-distance running, and about his participation this month in the 100K World Championships — that’s 62 miles. Click here to read the full story.
