

Tagine 2 results

Stirring the Pot: Chermoula and a Pantry Infused with Delight

Ruthie Cohen is back in the kitchen! After a two-year, too-long hiatus, LP’s aproned sage is once again serving up delicious recipes. This month, she stirs the pot by showing us how to spice up the pantry and make chermoula, a savory Moroccan sauce that works with vegetables, fish, meats, and couscous. Click here for the whole chermoula.

Stirring the Pot: Dump Trucks and Donabes

Her grandson’s fascination with dump trucks has helped Ruthie Cohen to up her game in the kitchen. Now she considers “other methods and materials for cooking.” Led by “a little child with his toy bulldozer in hand,” she explores how a Japanese donabe and a Tunisian tagine can enrich your kitchen creations. Click here to read the full story.
