

Mundri 2 results

Finding Hope in South Sudan: Part 2 Persistent Violence, Unstable Peace

When fighting erupted last August in South Sudan, community-development workers Will and Theresa Reed had to evacuate. They returned to Bloomington to wait out the violence. Now, while the situation in South Sudan fluctuates between unstable and dangerous, the Reeds have returned to Africa, helping refugees in Uganda to find hope. Click here to read the full story.

Finding Hope in South Sudan: Part 1 Getting the Story Out

Will and Theresa Reed moved to South Sudan in 2014 to help the new nation with community development work, mainly to train teachers and build agricultural projects. When conflict in their village erupted, they had to leave their new friends behind. Will, a Bloomington native, tells the story of persecution in the worn-torn country — and the struggle in not allowing the suffering of so many remain someone else’s problems. Click here to read the full story.
