‘Read Local’: A Letter from the Desk of Emily Winters, LP’s Marketing and Advertising Director
Limestone Post Marketing and Advertising Director Emily Winters toots her horn about why she loves LP (and you should, too)! A woman with a mission, Emily helps LP’s in-depth, informative stories find their way to loyal readers and the broader community. “The need for homegrown stories and independent voices is ever-pressing," she writes. "LP publishes stories that not only showcase Bloomington’s creativity and quirkiness, but they also examine issues and pose questions that help make us a more informed and engaged community."
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David Torneo: Bloomington’s Ambassador of Poetry
Publisher, poet, playwright, promoter — all of these describe David Torneo, but you could just as easily call him Bloomington’s Ambassador of Poetry. Torneo may spend more time promoting the work of other poets than he does his own, whether by organizing book launches and public poetry readings for local and national poets or interviewing poets for podcasts. He also publishes Ledge Mule Press, a quarterly publication made in limited editions with handmade techniques.
Click here to read the full story.