

Lotus Blossoms 2 results

Student Review: Yodeling Group Adilei at Childs Elementary ‘An Eye Opener’

In April, Adilei, a yodeling-based a cappella group from the Republic of Georgia, performed at Childs Elementary School as part of the Lotus Blossoms educational outreach program presented by the Lotus Education & Arts Foundation. Childs fifth-grader Stella, 11, reviewed the performance for Limestone Post, calling it "an eye opener.” Click here for Stella’s review and a brief video of Adilei.

Rahim AlHaj: Lotus Blossoms Visiting Artist [video]

Grammy-nominated oud player Rahim AlHaj, an Iraqi political refugee since 1991, was invited by the Lotus Education and Arts Foundation to participate in the Lotus Blossoms outreach program in March. He performed at various Bloomington locations and also at Owen Valley High School in Spencer. Filmmaker TJ Jaeger recorded the trip.


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