

Know Thyself 3 results

Know Thyself Part 3: Behavioral Patterns in Your Family Tree

Genograms are like family trees illuminated with the patterns of good and bad behavior of your ancestors. In this third and final article of Know Thyself, writer Samantha Eibling explores genograms and how the behavioral patterns in your family history may inform your behavior. But, she writes, there are ways to override the behaviors that no longer serve you. Click here to read the full story.

Know Thyself Part 2: Enneagrams and Coping with Your Personality

Our personalities, writes Samantha Eibling, are responsible for the ways we perceive, process, and react to the world around us. In part two of this series on learning about our true selves, she explores the Enneagram, a system of understanding nine personality types — each with its own set of positive, maladaptive, and self-defeating behaviors. Click here to read the full story.


Know Thyself: What If the Answer to a Better Life Is Two Simple Words?

Much of the difficulty in our lives stems from a conflict between who we are and the choices we make, says writer Samantha Eibling. In this series on learning about our true selves, she explores scientific and spiritual traditions that can lead to deeper personal fulfillment. To begin, she offers two simple words. Click here to read the full story.

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