
Bloomington Brewing Company 4 results

Cure Cabin Fever with a February Calendar Full of Events!

After January’s polar vortex gives way to February’s cold, gray weather, it might seem like spring will never arrive. But don’t let cabin fever set in. LP’s Editorial Director Lynae Sowinski has compiled a list of expos, games, concerts, films, and other February activities all across our community that will “get you out of the house.” Click here to read the full story.

WonderLab After Dark: A Scientific Approach to Art and Creativity in Bloomington by Aleisha Kropf, WonderLab

On August 25, explore the science of art and creativity at WonderLab After Dark with an eclectic mix of activities involving robots, bugs, dance, and more! The 21+ crowd can experiment with the hands-on activities offered by the museum, learn how science inspires the work of local artists and writers, and enjoy live music in the WonderGarden. Click here to learn more about the fun in store during After Dark: Art in Bloom.


Even in Dead of Winter, Bike Commuters Fend Off Nasty Weather and Drivers

Hundreds of Monroe County residents hop on their bicycles and commute to work every day, year-round. In Susan M. Brackney’s story, they share tips on how to be safe and comfortable when dealing with snow, ice, subfreezing temps, and hostile drivers who don’t want to share the road. Click here to read the full story.

B-town Becoming a ‘Bootstraps Community’ of Unconventional Collaborations

Writer Jonna Mary Yost explores how a new brand of entrepreneurs in B-town are working outside the usual business model — and making it work. It isn’t about just baking the best pizza or brewing the best coffee. It’s about working with people you like and making your town a better place. Click here to read the full story.