
Impressions, Memories of a Bloomington Winterscape

It was a Saturday this past February, and I was up early for work … only to find we had a snow day. I decided to walk to the Winter Farmers’ Market at Harmony School and do a some street photography along the way. I was looking for images that left an impression on me, and found some memories I wanted to keep. 

I headed down East 7th Street and through the Indiana University campus, then cut over to East 3rd Street and down South Woodlawn Avenue, and then over to East 2nd Street. On the way back, I took Indiana Avenue.

Ann Georgescu
Ann Georgescu has a passion for making unusual connections. She has spent three decades exploring the world through journalism, commercial art, yoga, and hairdressing. From these endeavors, Ann has learned about truth, creativity, practice, and beauty. She has also found them all to be perfect ways to collect stories. Utilizing the tools from her experiences, Ann has a feel for the unusual angle in everyday events and loves to share her impressions through written and visual storytelling.
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