
Bloomington Biking

(left) A mural by Justus Roe at the bike and pedestrian underpass at 7th Street and the Bypass. | Limestone Post (middle) Bloomington residents have recently gained access to new modes of alternative transportation, including PACE Bike-Share, pictured here, and Bird and Lime scooters. | Courtesy photo (right) Starowitz took this photo on his commute to work. “The Bike lane on College as soon as you hit the north end downtown turns into a sharrow [a shared lane],” he says. “It essentially disappears. Exactly where you want traffic to slow down, you force bicyclists to merge with ongoing traffic. Note — posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour (curious to know how many folks stick that).” | Photo by Sean Starowitz

Lynae Sowinski
Lynae co-founded Limestone Post in the summer of 2015 and served for years as Editorial Director, working with all contributors and managing the editorial content for the site. A Bloomington native, Lynae graduated from Indiana University’s School of Journalism in 2012. She started her editing career at Bloom Magazine as a high school intern and, over the course of almost eight years, advanced to the position of Associate Editor. Lynae currently lives in Athens, Georgia, with her wife and daughter and works for Global Online Academy, a nonprofit organization that reimagines learning to empower students and educators to thrive in a globally networked society.