
Melissa S. Fry

Melissa S. Fry

Melissa S. Fry is Director of the Applied Research and Education Center and the Office of Community Engagement and she teaches Sociology at Indiana University Southeast. Before coming to IU Southeast, Melissa worked in sustainable community economic development and policy advocacy in Eastern Kentucky. She engages communities in applied research to support effective organizations and resilient communities. Her research on poverty, early childhood education and care, youth development, homelessness, substance use disorder prevention and response, and regional strengths and needs builds public dialogue and decision-making rooted in current academic research and local data. 

Posts by this contributor 2 results

Myths Persist about People with Opioid Use Disorder

Myths about will power and moral weakness keep people with opioid use disorder from receiving effective medications, say Melissa S. Fry and Melissa Cyders, IU professors who study opioid use disorder and the attitudes that surround it. First published in The Conversation, their article dispels myths that make people hesitant to support science-based treatments. Click here to read their article.


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