
Megan Snook

Megan Snook

Megan Snook was born on the plains of southwestern Kansas. She received her first camera on her fifth birthday, and has been making photographs ever since. Raised in a military family, she traveled extensively during her youth. Having lived all over America and Africa, Megan became inspired to document the complexities of the human experience at an early age. As a result, she began her documentary photography career at the age of seventeen. Megan studied journalism and anthropology at Indiana University. She currently operates wet plate collodion photography studios in both Bloomington, Indiana, and Evergreen, Colorado.

Posts by this contributor 2 results

Tintype Photography Transformed a Photojournalist’s Way of Life

Life as a world-traveling documentary photographer was fast-paced for Megan Snook. But, as she writes in this photo essay, becoming a mother “drastically changed my way of life.” Tintype photography helped with the transformation, and now she is “better able to appreciate the things which are most precious in this life.” Read Megan’s story and see her tintype photography.


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