
Josie Leimbach

Josie Leimbach

Joselyn (Josie) Leimbach is a Senior Lecturer with the Institute for Women’s Studies at the University of Georgia Athens (UGA). She was instrumental in establishing the LGBTQ certificate at UGA, receiving the 2021 Founder’s Award for service to the LGBT Community at UGA from UGA’s LGBT Resource Center. She earned her Ph.D. in Gender Studies from Indiana University in 2014. Josie is published in numerous anthologies. She currently lives with her wife and daughter in Athens, Georgia.

Posts by this contributor 2 results

Celebrating Diverse Families: Our Journey to Queer Parenthood

Preparing to have a child is similar in many ways for queer couples as for heterosexual couples, write Lynae Sowinski and Josie Leimbach, who got married in Bloomington in 2017 and now live in Georgia. But in a variety of ways, their parenthood experience has been different — and emotionally, physically, and financially more difficult. Read about their journey to queer parenthood.


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