Carol Johnson is the editor of Southern Indiana Business Report (SIBR), an online magazine with in-depth coverage of business and economic development activities within the Radius region of southern Indiana, which comprises Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Orange, and Washington counties. SIBR is based in Lawrence County and be found at
Marsh Madness, February 14–15 at Goose Pond FWA, celebrates the sandhill crane migration that stops in Greene County and fuels an economic boost to the community. The annual event was established by the nonprofit Friends of Goose Pond, which supports the wetlands that attract numerous species of migratory birds. Read the article by Carol Johnson of the Southern Indiana Business Report.
Beginning in the 1990s, a group of Orange County citizens traveled multiple times to the Indiana Statehouse to encourage lawmakers to grant a gaming license to the town of French Lick. Limestone Post and the Southern Indiana Business Report look back at those early days and how gaming today has affected the town and its citizens. Read the article by Laurie D. Borman and Carol Johnson.
A 25-foot-tall sasquatch at Patoka Lake has become a sensation, drawing tourists from across the state and beyond. The shaggy beast — named Otis and made from poplar, white pine, and other materials by the Bear Hollow carving team — adds another attraction to Orange County’s tourism, which is “a major driver” in its economy. By Carol Johnson of the Southern Indiana Business Report.