

month : 10/2022 3 results

The Long Goodbye: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease

No cure. Not enough doctors, nurses, or trained caregivers. Years of research wasted. With an aging population, the U.S. appears unprepared to handle patients with Alzheimer’s disease in the coming years. Rebecca Hill looks at the issue, including diagnosis, treatment options, living with Alzheimer’s disease, and moving toward a more “dementia-friendly place.” Click here for an in-depth reading of Alzheimer’s.

Experts Grade Social Media Companies on Midterm Misinformation

The 2022 midterm election season is prime time for misinformation and disinformation on social media. Three social media experts, including Scott Shackelford, professor of Business Law and Ethics at Indiana University, evaluate Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube on their ability to handle the problem. This article first appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission. Click here to see who got a failing grade.


Stirring the Pot: The Little Yoga Studio That Could

Limestone Post columnist Ruthie Cohen says Crystal Orly’s Ekah Yoga studio, pre-pandemic, was a community destination, with live music events, pot luck gatherings, a community garden, family nights, and kids’ activities. “Post-lockdown has been less rosy,” says Ruthie. But Ekah is hosting a Halloween-themed event to bring the community back. Click here to read Ruthie’s article.