

month : 04/2020 4 results

Hoosiers Take On Home Gardening

Home gardens not only create access to healthy food, they also offer physical, mental health, economic, and environmental benefits, writes Beth Edwards of the Indiana Environmental Reporter. No wonder home gardening has gained in popularity every year since the 2008 financial crisis. Sheltering at home has even more Hoosiers digging in. Click here to learn more.

Lotus Education & Arts Foundation Much More Than World Music Festival by Kathleen Clark-Perez

Lotus Education & Arts Foundation is known for its vaunted world music and arts festival each fall, but Lotus’s other programming serves people year-round. Lotus Blossoms, the education program it runs throughout central and southern Indiana, enriches the lives of children as well as the adults who help make the programs happen. Click here to read about Lotus Blossoms.


Ethos of New People’s Market Focuses on Food Justice, Mutual Aid

A group of vendors, community organizers, and university professors began meeting last year to plan what would become the People’s Market, “a farmers market model unprecedented in Bloomington and Indiana,” writes IU history professor Ellen Wu. When COVID-19 “upended everything,” the group quickly reoriented to create a drive-thru CSA. Click here to read about the People’s Market.

Grants for Nonprofits, Co-ops, and Independent Contractors in CARES Act

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was recently passed by Congress offers programs and initiatives to offer economic relief caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program called Economic Injury Disaster Loans & Emergency Economic Injury Grants offers help specifically for nonprofits, cooperatives, and independent contractors. Click here to learn more about the program.